FYI – some of the very old firewalls, installed long ago before there was an x86-64 version, have VERY small /boot partitions. This may pose issues updating to Core 122.


This screen shot was taken from a very old IPFire system running the x586 version:


[root@fw ~]# df -h

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

devtmpfs       1001M  4.0K 1001M   1% /dev

tmpfs          1006M   12K 1006M   1% /dev/shm

tmpfs          1006M  264K 1006M   1% /run

/dev/sda3       2.0G 1001M  840M  55% /

/dev/sda1        24M   18M  4.4M  81% /boot

/dev/sda4        71G   52G   16G  78% /var

none            8.0M   12K  8.0M   1% /var/lock

none           1006M   16K 1006M   1% /var/log/vnstat

none           1006M   32M  975M   4% /var/log/rrd


Note that the /boot partition is only 24M in total and has only 4.4M free.


Michael’s posting on the website about maybe it is time for a “clean” reinstall is very much to the point. But this is very hard to do with these older systems. I’m not sure it is possible to install 122 then restore a backup from 120, but I may well be wrong.

Best regards,
