I would like to have one option in any of the dropdown menus titled "User Exit". When clicked, it will execute a bash script.
The interface needs a text box where I specify the path of the script (/root/rst). The user needs to make sure the script is +x
No error checking but a Warning: Use this only if you know what it does !!
/etc/init.d/dhcp stop
/etc/init.d/dhcp start
sleep 2
/etc/init.d/unbound restart
The reason:
Until the issues with DHCP and unbound bridge are resolved (and there are many to list here, there are bugs open),
I have a small 4 line script that I login to ipfire and execute (restart dhcp and unbound) so that name resolution works.
It saves me time from having to pop a term, login to ipfire and exec rst. It would be much easier to do it from the WUI.
Thank you, Paul