Dear List,

I reviewed the code for the firewall groups and found out that ii is mostly unusable.
Besides the look it lacks some functionality.
So if you edit a group, it is edited, but the firewallrules are not updated! That seems to be a bug.

I want to develop a firewall gui for the forwarding firewalll (VPN and so on)

Therefor i need some extensions. So i wrote them. First extension is the ccd extension, which should be tested by everyone.
The next extension is a group-management extension which can be used by the outgoing firewall and the forward firewall (Which i start later)

Right now, the group extension is completely seperated from other code and i want to use it for my project.

Please install it and test it. Therefor you have to create a directory /var/ipfire/forward for nobody.

Then test the extension. It just creates 3 Textfiles (hosts, Net and Groups)

If you like it and it finds the way into the distribution, i will go on developing a gui for the forward firewall.

Any comments are welcome.

This is early code!


Alexander Marx

Fachinformatiker Systemintegration