I present what I know that works. Since I haven't tested, but if you say so, it's to be tested. I was forgetting, of course, xauth needs a login/password pair to declare in ipsec.user.secret.

Le mar. 10 juil. 2018 à 20:11, Tom Rymes <trymes@rymes.com> a écrit :
If I may ask, why IKEv1? Modern iOS and Android both support IKEv2,
don't they?


On 07/10/2018 2:07 PM, Julien Blais wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> For it to work, you simply need to generate a Roadwarrior connection per
> certificate. Then, change what is red, either replace cert by
> xauthrsasiget put ikev1 instead of ikev2.
> [root@ipfire ~]# cat /var/ipfire/vpn/config
> 2,on,Xiaomi,Xiaomi,host,xauthrsasig,,off,,,,,,off,,,off,3,1,aes256,sha2_512,1024|768,aes256,sha2_512,1024|768|none,on,,,clear,on
> <,,,,off,,,off,3,1,aes256,sha2_512,1024%7C768,aes256,sha2_512,1024%7C768%7Cnone,on,,,clear,on>,ikev1,120,30,off,start,900
> Here is the result in the file :
> conn Xiaomi
>          left=vpn.jbsky.fr <http://vpn.jbsky.fr>
>          leftsubnet= <>
>          leftfirewall=yes
>          lefthostaccess=yes
>          right=%any
>          leftcert=/var/ipfire/certs/hostcert.pem
>          rightcert=/var/ipfire/certs/Xiaomicert.pem
>          ike=aes256-sha2_512-modp1024,aes256-sha2_512-modp768!
> esp=aes256-sha2_512-modp1024,aes256-sha2_512-modp768,aes256-sha2_512!
>          keyexchange=ikev1
>          ikelifetime=3h
>          keylife=1h
>          dpdaction=clear
>          dpddelay=30
>          dpdtimeout=120
>          authby=xauthrsasig
>          xauth=server
>          auto=add
>          rightsourceip= <>
>          fragmentation=yes
> Why this patch? it allows to have a functional visual on VPN connections
> in the vpnmain.cgi page. Everything that is IOS or Android works with
> Xauth, you do not support this type of device.