
I am thinking of developing a GUI for vpn Firewallrules.
unfortunately there are a few things to be done before i can implement this.

The goal is to have a gui where one can say:

i want Roadwarrior1 to be able to have access to a specific ip in green.

To be able to do this, we need the possibility to assign a roadwarrior a fix ip-Address. This is actually not possible because of the DHCP Openvpn Subnet.
So the first thing to be done should be to implement a gui that can manage CCD Networks for the openvpn Server. Here lies the next problem: many installations are using the dhcp Subnet from the openvpn server. So we need a solution that can manage both:

DHCP Openvpn AND CCD Clients.

I began to develop a kind of gui, it is still under heavy development and not ready yet. I like you to have a look at my early screenshots and give any feedback. If you like it, i will go on building that gui.

Thank you



Alexander Marx

Fachinformatiker Systemintegration