Am 15.11.2012 13:01, schrieb Michael Tremer:
Well, apparently half of the stuff I wrote in my other mail got ignored,
so here it is again:

Front page:

The "Static IP address pools" button is still not clickable when the
OpenVPN server is running. Is this supposed to be?
Only clickable when server is stopped, because when editing in the static networks, a restart is required.
Why is the "advanced server settings" button not clickable?!!!

Static IP address pool configuration page:

I gave you strings to put on the top of the list. If you don't agree,
tell me why.
I took exactly what you wrote.

I asked for adding the dynamic IP address pool network right next to the
radio button.
You did NOT do that.  But i don't know what you mean here. The Text (Dynamic OpenVPN IP address pool) is directly right of the radio button. I use firefox and opera.

"Network behind Client" and "Network behind IPFIRE" does not fix the
problem I pointed out.
We phoned on that and agreed to name it like this. If you don't like it know , tell me better names!
New one: Error messages only say things like "Route invalid" which is
not that helpful when there are multiple routing options.

There are some other minor bits missing from my other mail, but I cannot
be bothered to point them out once again.
As i wrote you directly, i changed all points of the mail, maybe i only got the half mail?!
TL;DR Didn't test.


On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 11:05 +0100, Alexander Marx wrote:
Dear List!

I made the latest modifications and tested mostly all possibilities.


Roadwarrior with dynamic/static ip    works
Roadwarrior changed network static->dynamic, dynamic->static,
static->static   works
Roadwarrior IROUTE (Network behind client)        works
Roadwarrior ROUTE (Network behind IPFIRE)         works

Converting old clients to new ccd files                    works

Please test this Version. 

Files go to:

Directoy "Tools" - all files in this directory go to /usr/bin/  (make
them executable with:  chmod +x, -> /var/ipfire/langs -> /var/ipfire/
ovpnmain.cgi -> /srv/web/ipfire/cgi-bin

Then make Languagefiles with new tool "" ! (no need to search
for the long command in anymore ;-))
After that, just execute and your old clients will be



Alexander Marx

Fachinformatiker Systemintegration

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