%tr = ( %tr, 'block' => 'Block', 'guardian' => 'Guardian', 'guardian alertfile' => 'Alertfile', 'guardian block a host' => 'Block Host', 'guardian block httpd brute-force' => 'HTTPD Brute-force detection', 'guardian block owncloud brute-force' => 'Owncloud Brute-force detection', 'guardian block ssh brute-force' => 'SSH Brute-force detection', 'guardian blocked hosts' => 'Currently blocked hosts', 'guardian blockcount' => 'Blockcount', 'guardian blocktime' => 'Blocktime', 'guardian blocking of this address is not allowed' => 'Blocking of the given address is not allowed.', 'guardian common settings' => 'Common settings', 'guardian configuration' => 'Guardian Configuration', 'guardian daemon' => 'Daemon', 'guardian enabled' => 'Enable guardian', 'guardian empty input' => 'Empty input: Please enter a valid host address or subnet.', 'guardian invalid alertfile' => 'The provided path for the alert file is not valid.', 'guardian invalid address or subnet' => 'Invalid host address or subnet.', 'guardian invalid blockcount' => 'Invalid BlockCount: Please provide a natural number higher than zero.', 'guardian invalid blocktime' => 'Invalid BlockTime: Please provide a natural number higher than zero.', 'guardian invalid logfile' => 'The provided path for the logfile is not valid.', 'guardian ignored hosts' => 'Ignored Hosts', 'guardian ignorefile' => 'Ignorefile', 'guardian interface' => 'Interface', 'guardian logfile' => 'Logfile', 'guardian loglevel' => 'Loglevel', 'guardian no entries' => 'No entries at the moment.', 'guardian not running no hosts can be blocked' => 'Guardian is not running. No hosts will be blocked.', 'guardian priority level' => 'Prioritylevel', 'guardian service' => 'Guardian Service', 'guardian snort alertfile' => 'Alertfile from Snort', 'guardian timelimit' => 'Timelimit', 'guardian watch snort alertfile' => 'Monitor Snort alertfile', 'unblock' => 'Unblock', 'unblock all' => 'Unblock all', ); #EOF