
Thanks for the merging and the stick. I will make good use of it!


Michael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org> schreef op 6 juli 2022 12:20:59 CEST:

On 6 Jul 2022, at 11:11, Peter Müller <peter.mueller@ipfire.org> wrote:

Hello Robin,

Hello Robin,

I trust you that everything has been addressed.

I think this is ready to be merged.

I just did so, and that series now landed in "next": https://git.ipfire.org/?p=ipfire-2.x.git;a=search;h=refs/heads/next;s=Robin+Roevens;st=author
You will see the changes being released with Core Update 170.

Apologies for the tardy process on our end, and thanks for being both patient and
persistent. In the future, please continue to prod and poke at us to keep things
moving. :-)

*hands over a big stick for better poking*

All the best,
Peter Müller

Great work!


On 30 Jun 2022, at 11:15, Robin Roevens <robin.roevens@disroot.org> wrote:

Hi all

A renewal of this patchset, now for zabbix_agentd 6.0.6, the latest LTS
version at the moment.

Except for the version nothing has changed in this set since my previous
submission. So please see
for the summary of this patch set.

Hopefully this can be included in Core 170?..


Robin Roevens

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