Further investigation:

 Using htop to analyse it seems stopping/starting service in WUI creates another avahi process.  Each one take a whole cpu core up.
Have taken out samba, cups, and dependencies avahi, dbus, and other dependencies gone and all is ok.  Seems the avahi refusing to die gracefully may be the cause of the reboot failing.

With all of the above gone system now reboots and behaves perfectly.



On 08/04/17 12:57, Paul Titjen wrote:

I have upgraded to the 110 version and report the following.

110 did not ask for a reboot but I gave it one anyway.  The system did not reboot correctly but as I do not have a console attached I can not say why.  Hard reset and it started normally.  net-snmpd did not start at boot but then it was a crash shutdown.  started normally thereafter.

CPU usage.
I have cacti running on the ipfire box and the change from 109 to 110 has put
CPU usage up from 5% to 55%.

Load average up from 0.1 to 2.2

System is an AMD fitlet with four intel nics
Your profile ID: 6d74743620b592b2ea3bdb44bd77e539db98c783

If you want me to try anything please let me know
