
RFC 1035 states a FQDN should consist of <domain>.<tld>
TLDs consist of 1-3 alpanumeric chars, with the first char should be  alphabetic.
Domain parts are built from [0-9A-Za-z-], with the first char !~ '-'.
If have tried to implement this with the correction  for proxy.cgi, but it didn't make the way into the latest release.

In general we should check those things, when working on a feature/bug for the existing functionality.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 05 Dec 2012 07:42:31 +0100
Von: Alexander Marx <alexander.marx@oab.de>
An: development@lists.ipfire.org
Betreff: BUG 10262

Dear List.

I confirmed Bug #10262.
The webinterface is programmed inconsistently. Under the OPENVPN
advanced options, the field "domain" is checked via
&General::validfqdnname which checks, if the domainname has two parts,
seperated by a dot.

under the DHCP options, the "domain" field is written into the CONF File
without any checks.

Which of the developers is responsible for the DHCP code?

AND: What is the GENERAL policy for a domain name?

Should there be just a name (which also needs to be checked) or do we
need to have a dot-sperarated domain name?

I don't know what is the RFC for this, but i think it should be in DNS
compatible form "domain.toplevel".

Any thoughts?

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