Hi list,
in October 2014 I began to build libvirt for IPFire. This failed the first time and second but now I tried it the third time with a lot more knowledge and it works well.

So I have a running libvirt daemon on my IPFire (Arch is x86_64 works very well by the way) and want to ask if the project is interested that the libvirt package becomes an official addon. 
It could save a lot of work because everybody have the chance to install what he want in a virtual machine.  Also, I think it is safer to put my owncloud into a virtual machine than to put is directly on my IPFire. Also, it could save energy because a home user has to run only one real computer.  
Otherwise, libvirt is one more security risk and it is possible to break out of a virtual machine and attack the host. 
So these are some security aspects, but in the moment, I think there are more  benefits than disadvantages. 
But  I would like to hear your opinions on this topic. 

So what are the dependencies for libvirt and what have to be done on existing packages.

Hard dependencies


nice to have ( increase the usability)


These packages provide a protocol similar to vnc (http://www.spice-space.org/

optional ( create errors on start up but nothing more)


what have to be done on existing addons

nmap: update to the latest version 
(to have a ncat version which supports the -U options, this is required to communicate over a normal ssh session)

ebtables: create some links
(libvirt search in the wrong directory  for the binaries)

but I have to check this again on i686 HAVE_SCRIPT is enough,  in the moment I have not the time to test where the problem is, but  I will do this in the next weeks.

So that is it.
Now I am waiting for your opinion and what you think about this :-).

Regards Jonatan

Ps. I would maintain these packages if they become official packages. 
PSS. I use a new e-mail address because my old one is currently blocked by this server.