On Tue, 2017-03-07 at 09:58 -0600, Paul Simmons wrote:
On Tue, 2017-03-07 at 12:06 +0000, Michael Tremer wrote:
No, it is supposed to resolve everything. For that it only needs to be able to contact the root name servers and practically all others on the internet. That seems to fail here. What does unbound log?
On 6 Mar 2017, at 11:29 pm, Paul Simmons <redneckmother@hughes.net> wrote:
On Mon, 2017-03-06 at 22:37 +0000, Michael Tremer wrote: Hi,
On Mon, 2017-03-06 at 15:47 -0600, Paul Simmons wrote:
On Mon, 2017-03-06 at 21:00 +0000, Michael Tremer wrote: Hi,
On Mon, 2017-03-06 at 12:18 -0600, Paul Simmons wrote:
On Sun, 2017-03-05 at 11:42 +0000, Michael Tremer wrote: Hi, can you confirm if unbound is running? What is the output of /etc/init.d/unbound restart? -Michael
----<% snip %>----
I have nightly commit c016773b9816ad9be4ffc8643c30457e87c094e3 available locally, and will beg my users for downtime to test. Thank you, and best regards, Paul
Bad juju - build c016773b couldn't resolve any hosts (other than those in "localdomain"). Provider is "hughes.net" and is the only ISP available (no hardlines or other LOS/NLOS WISPs available). Tried assigning DNS servers and - no change. Paul
Sorry for the lllooonnnggg delay - had to get a testing time window. Unbound was indeed running - verified with "/etc/init.d/unbound status" Command and output from "restart": # /etc/init.d/unbound restart Stopping Unbound DNS Proxy...                                          [  OK  ] Starting Unbound DNS Proxy...                                          [  OK  ] Ignoring broken upstream name server(s):    [ WARN ] Falling back to recursor mode                                          [ WARN ]
So, can you remind me what your provider does again? Is any access to other name servers forbidden? If so the updated script should have detected that and should not have activated the recursor mode. Could you manually execute the following commands from the console of IPFire for me?   dig @ +dnssec SOA . The dot at the end is important. What is the output of it? Best, -Michael
Thank you, Paul
# dig @ +dnssec SOA . ; <<>> DiG 9.11.0-P3 <<>> @ +dnssec SOA . ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 811 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 14, ADDITIONAL: 27 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;.                IN    SOA ;; ANSWER SECTION: .            86400    IN    SOA    a.root- servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com. 2017030601 1800 900 604800 86400 .            86400    IN    RRSIG    SOA 8 0 86400 20170319170000 20170306160000 61045 . X2xWv3z0ZmFxXkF9ybMgxMv6dcZ+SmnG3XHcNtAavuPNPLW3cVBwolDP lOU5/tfOaKwbu7HENFWysaekMpb6O7ycg+kryuCP7z6Q4WyG0O2160l1 DDG0UbBW5yidfcghq1r6sdz30RI5cSBGcAOmlktnPkjs9wv9/S/ZPyrC qMPJR9A60R52NcWEONS3DiyGxR66KA4S4grJnDgcI6pcytJGXm/b5WRO +v51tnLT0UVbgXvV03Itn/3MR72muzKXWzzj5LFJST5iqWCgAHJryG3T vNKEYLQ76nwl6B3YVJDjC1InmpIujwXBbxMKpyL1Sh0RLdlHq2TtZS8O qk4V0Q== ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: .            518400    IN    NS    e.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    h.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    l.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    i.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    a.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    d.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    c.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    b.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    j.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    k.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    g.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    m.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    f.root- servers.net. .            518400    IN    RRSIG    NS 8 0 518400 20170319170000 20170306160000 61045 . iQVPY67dNDj6w14dY1tDFgwRFqhEXVVLmY8q1woIX1eU7t1k/XaPi+tX 3+PDCFQlrQmWSWUtLPaA6pmrACB6EL2YvWzAiLVyocGCBpUpnbUCNAwm nD4SvBZb0ET2jWbSiAzo8iy+1+Hr84I8RXtbcrcpF5Y/J5Oataxt5z9o dHGQSKru0eYEbwfszq0L5L8KECk6skm7iQ0RAIspdTfjDsIwtvoAhEGV B8qjFQP5Bkcn38b35eWHneCmc3cgG0J+pK/eX/YHpqClcINGh3eavBlC 1KpUkDDMAwCvo+X/MhDE2Ol/VR00/M/YCzXbEv97IWenM1Xi4ArX9F1C xBc0gA== ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: e.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    192.203 .230 .10 e.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :500 :a8::e h.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    198.97. 190. 53 h.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :500 :1::53 l.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    199.7.8 3.42 l.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :500 :9f::42 i.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    192.36. 148. 17 i.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :7fe ::53 a.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    198.41. 0.4 a.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :503 :ba3e::2:30 d.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    199.7.9 1.13 d.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :500 :2d::d c.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    192.33. 4.12 c.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :500 :2::c b.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    192.228 .79. 201 b.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :500 :84::b j.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    192.58. 128. 30 j.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :503 :c27::2:30 k.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    193.0.1 4.12 9 k.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :7fd ::1 g.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    192.112 .36. 4 g.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :500 :12::d0d m.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    202.12. 27.3 3 m.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :dc3 ::35 f.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A    192.5.5 .241 f.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001 :500 :2f::f ;; Query time: 836 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Mon Mar 06 15:40:58 CST 2017 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 1440 # I suspect the ISP mangles DNS requests directed outside their net.
Well, that command shouldn't have worked then. Could you give me an example for something that you cannot resolve? -Michael
Thank you, Paul
Ah, I see... so the problem is that we're not forwarding requests outside the local domain? Latest testing sequence follows: # /etc/init.d/unbound restart Stopping Unbound DNS Proxy...                                          [  OK  ] Starting Unbound DNS Proxy...                                          [  OK  ] Ignoring broken upstream name server(s):    [ WARN ] Falling back to recursor mode                                          [ WARN ] # dig @ +dnssec SOA . ; <<>> DiG 9.11.0-P3 <<>> @ +dnssec SOA . ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 23002 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 14, ADDITIONAL: 27 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 1472 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;.                IN    SOA ;; ANSWER SECTION: .            86400    IN    SOA    a.root-servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com. 2017030601 1800 900 604800 86400 .            86400    IN    RRSIG    SOA 8 0 86400 20170319170000 20170306160000 61045 . X2xWv3z0ZmFxXkF9ybMgxMv6dcZ+SmnG3XHcNtAavuPNPLW3cVBwolDP lOU5/tfOaKwbu7HENFWysaekMpb6O7ycg+kryuCP7z6Q4WyG0O2160l1 DDG0UbBW5yidfcghq1r6sdz30RI5cSBGcAOmlktnPkjs9wv9/S/ZPyrC qMPJR9A60R52NcWEONS3DiyGxR66KA4S4grJnDgcI6pcytJGXm/b5WRO +v51tnLT0UVbgXvV03Itn/3MR72muzKXWzzj5LFJST5iqWCgAHJryG3T vNKEYLQ76nwl6B3YVJDjC1InmpIujwXBbxMKpyL1Sh0RLdlHq2TtZS8O qk4V0Q== ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: .            518400    IN    NS    a.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    b.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    c.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    d.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    e.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    f.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    g.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    h.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    i.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    j.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    k.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    l.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    NS    m.root-servers.net. .            518400    IN    RRSIG    NS 8 0 518400 20170319170000 20170306160000 61045 . iQVPY67dNDj6w14dY1tDFgwRFqhEXVVLmY8q1woIX1eU7t1k/XaPi+tX 3+PDCFQlrQmWSWUtLPaA6pmrACB6EL2YvWzAiLVyocGCBpUpnbUCNAwm nD4SvBZb0ET2jWbSiAzo8iy+1+Hr84I8RXtbcrcpF5Y/J5Oataxt5z9o dHGQSKru0eYEbwfszq0L5L8KECk6skm7iQ0RAIspdTfjDsIwtvoAhEGV B8qjFQP5Bkcn38b35eWHneCmc3cgG0J+pK/eX/YHpqClcINGh3eavBlC 1KpUkDDMAwCvo+X/MhDE2Ol/VR00/M/YCzXbEv97IWenM1Xi4ArX9F1C xBc0gA== ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: a.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A b.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A c.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A d.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A e.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A f.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A g.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A h.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A i.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A j.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A k.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A l.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A m.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    A a.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:503:ba3e::2:30 b.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:500:84::b c.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:500:2::c d.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:500:2d::d e.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:500:a8::e f.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:500:2f::f g.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:500:12::d0d h.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:500:1::53 i.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:7fe::53 j.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:503:c27::2:30 k.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:7fd::1 l.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:500:9f::42 m.root-servers.net.    518400    IN    AAAA    2001:dc3::35 ;; Query time: 797 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Mon Mar 06 17:03:12 CST 2017 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 1440 # host www.google.com Host www.google.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL) # host www.ipfire.org ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached # nslookup www.google.com Server: Address: ** server can't find www.google.com: SERVFAIL # nslookup www.ipfire.org Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: www.ipfire.org class="Apple-tab-span" style="white- space:pre">    canonical name = web01.ipfire.org. Name:    web01.ipfire.org Address: Thanks, Paul
Log from unbound (via web interface): IPFire diagnostics Section: unbound Date: March 07, 2017 09:53:05 unbound: [3485:0] info: validation failure ns02.fedoraproject.org. AAAA IN 09:53:05 unbound: [3485:0] info: validation failure ns05.fedoraproject.org. AAAA IN 09:53:05 unbound: [3485:0] info: validation failure fedoraproject.org. AAAA IN 09:52:36 unbound: [3485:1] info: validation failure fedoraproject.org.localdomain. AAAA IN 09:52:29 unbound: [3485:0] info: failed to prime trust anchor -- could not fetch DNSKEY rrset . DNSKEY IN 09:52:19 unbound: [3485:0] info: failed to prime trust anchor -- could not fetch DNSKEY rrset . DNSKEY IN 09:51:29 unbound: [3485:0] info: start of service (unbound 1.6.1). 09:51:29 unbound: [3485:0] notice: init module 1: iterator 09:51:29 unbound: [3485:0] notice: init module 0: validator 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 4.000000 8.000000 1 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 2.000000 4.000000 1 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.524288 1.000000 2 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.262144 0.524288 5 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.131072 0.262144 1 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.016384 0.032768 1 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.008192 0.016384 1 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.000000 0.000001 7 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: [25%]=6.78571e-07 median[50%]=0.196608 [75%]=0.484966 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: histogram of recursion processing times 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: average recursion processing time 0.581705 sec 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: server stats for thread 1: requestlist max 3 avg 0.526316 exceeded 0 jostled 0 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: server stats for thread 1: 45 queries, 26 answers from cache, 19 recursions, 0 prefetch, 0 rejected by ip ratelimiting 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 32.000000 64.000000 6 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 16.000000 32.000000 6 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 8.000000 16.000000 11 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 4.000000 8.000000 5 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 2.000000 4.000000 2 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 1.000000 2.000000 2 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.262144 0.524288 4 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.131072 0.262144 1 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: 0.000000 0.000001 2 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: [25%]=2.75 median[50%]=10.5455 [75%]=22 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: histogram of recursion processing times 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: average recursion processing time 15.696339 sec 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: server stats for thread 0: requestlist max 68 avg 23.925 exceeded 0 jostled 0 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: server stats for thread 0: 67 queries, 28 answers from cache, 39 recursions, 1 prefetch, 0 rejected by ip ratelimiting 09:51:27 unbound: [1406:0] info: service stopped (unbound 1.6.1). 09:50:18 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure b.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:18 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure a.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure a.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure m.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure c.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure b.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure l.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure k.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure j.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure i.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure h.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure g.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure f.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure e.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:50:17 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure d.root-servers.net. AAAA IN 09:49:55 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure ns02.fedoraproject.org. AAAA IN 09:49:55 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure ns05.fedoraproject.org. AAAA IN 09:49:51 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure fedoraproject.org. AAAA IN 09:49:48 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure fireinfo.ipfire.org. AAAA IN 09:49:46 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure ns1.lightningwirelabs.com. AAAA IN 09:49:46 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure ns3.lightningwirelabs.com. AAAA IN 09:49:46 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure ns2.lightningwirelabs.com. AAAA IN 09:49:42 unbound: [1406:1] info: validation failure fedoraproject.org. AAAA IN 09:49:18 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure fedoraproject.org.localdomain. AAAA IN 09:49:18 unbound: [1406:0] info: validation failure fireinfo.ipfire.org.localdomain. AAAA IN 09:48:21 unbound: [1406:0] info: start of service (unbound 1.6.1). 09:48:21 unbound: [1406:0] notice: init module 1: iterator 09:48:21 unbound: [1406:0] notice: init module 0: validator Thank you, Paul

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