Hi Michael,

I tried manually setting the mtu and mru to 1442 and it works fine now. But blank does not work. Anyway, im happy with that and completed the switch to ipfire.



Michael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org> wrote:

indeed this problem is "weird" and does not seems to be cause primarily
by IPFire. It looks like a generic networking problem to me.

IPFire is clipping MSS to the Path MTU for all TCP connections and if
you have set up you connection to the internet correctly (i.e. typed in
the right MTU or let it be assigned by the ISP) this should be fine.

You can test for MTU issues by sending big packets with the ping command
or tracepath.

As you mentioned that some hosts are reachable and others are not, I
suggest to check the subnet masks configured on the firewall and all
other systems. It really looks like something similar to this.

I hope this helps.


On Fri, 2013-11-08 at 09:07 +1100, Ghislain Hachey wrote:

I'm trying to setup IPFire on a small Alix board. It seems to work ok
except I am experiencing a weird problem. My public facing servers are
not always reachable. I run a small private data center in Vanuatu and
when I try to access my public servers from a server I rent in the US it
works fine. However, there are some ISP networks that can't reach my
public servers. Even more weird, one of our ISPs in Vanuatu has parts of
it that can reach my public servers and other parts of it (different
subnets and path to destination) that can't. I read that MTU/MRU values
can cause some weird, hard to troubleshoot problems. I do not experience
this when I use my Vigor 3300 firewall/router. I really like IPFire and
where it seems to be heading, but this is a show stopper. Unfortunately,
I can't spend much time troubleshooting this problem properly as the
services need to be available.

The image I used to do the installation was
ipfire-2.13.1gb-ext4-scon.i586-full-core72.img.gz. It runs on the Alix
alix2d3 <http://www.pcengines.ch/alix2d3.htm>.

Any ideas?

Development mailing list


Sent with mobile phone. Please excuse my brevity and typos.