Hello Michael,

after change to DynDNS class I got the following "DDNSUpdateError"
Nov 28 13:42:17 minusrouter ddns[23192]: Dynamic DNS update for ovpn.XXXXX.YYY (dynamicdns.key-systems.net) failed:
Nov 28 13:42:17 minusrouter ddns[23192]:   DDNSUpdateError: The update could not be performed
Nov 28 13:42:17 minusrouter ddns[23192]:   Server response: [RESPONSE] code = 200 description = Command completed successfully queuetime = 0 runtime = 0.058 EOF

The DynDNS2 code (generating the ERROR):
class DDNSProviderKEYSYSTEMS(DDNSProtocolDynDNS2, DDNSProvider):
        handle    = "dynamicdns.key-systems.net"
        name      = "dynamicdns.key-systems.net"
        website   = "https://domaindiscount24.com/"
        #protocols = ("ipv4",)

        # There are only information provided by the domaindiscount24 how to
        # perform an update with HTTP APIs
        # https://www.domaindiscount24.com/faq/dynamic-dns
        # examples: https://dynamicdns.key-systems.net/update.php?hostname=hostname&password=password&ip=auto
        #           https://dynamicdns.key-systems.net/update.php?hostname=hostname&password=password&ip=213.x.x.x&mx=213.x.x.x

        url = "https://dynamicdns.key-systems.net/update.php"

        def prepare_request_data(self, proto):
                address = self.get_address(proto)
                data = {
                        "hostname"      : self.hostname,
                        "password"      : self.password,
                        "ip"            : address,
                        "mx"            : address,

                return data

The server response to a simple wget request was:
code = 200
description = Command completed successfully
queuetime = 0
runtime = 0.053

The working code:

class DDNSProviderKEYSYSTEMS(DDNSProvider):
        handle    = "dynamicdns.key-systems.net"
        name      = "dynamicdns.key-systems.net"
        website   = "https://domaindiscount24.com/"
        protocols = ("ipv4",)

        # There are only information provided by the domaindiscount24 how to
        # perform an update with HTTP APIs
        # https://www.domaindiscount24.com/faq/dynamic-dns
        # examples: https://dynamicdns.key-systems.net/update.php?hostname=hostname&password=password&ip=auto
        #           https://dynamicdns.key-systems.net/update.php?hostname=hostname&password=password&ip=213.x.x.x&mx=213.x.x.x

        url = "https://dynamicdns.key-systems.net/update.php"
        can_remove_records = False

        #def prepare_request_data(self, proto):
        def update_protocol(self, proto):
                address = self.get_address(proto)
                data = {
                        "hostname"      : self.hostname,
                        "password"      : self.password,
                        "ip"            : address,
                        "mx"            : address,

                # Send update to the server.
                response = self.send_request(self.url, data=data)

                # Handle success messages.
                if response.code == 200:

                # If we got here, some other update error happened.
                raise DDNSUpdateError

                #return data

Unfortunately this provider has no list of any possible responses - or maybe I have overlooked it. That can however be tested to check if those are still compatible with DynDNS.
I couldn't find any more pointers on the providers page either, and for that testing I would have to dig in too deep (into the code and the protocols) for me to handle at the moment. (maybe next week/month).

On 28/11/2019 12:20, Michael Tremer wrote:
Hello Christof,

On 28 Nov 2019, at 10:45, Christof Weniger <ChristofWeniger@gmx.at> wrote:


I hope this is the correct way to submit this patch.
Yes, you found the right place.

It would have been better to post the patch inline (and not as an attachment), so that I could have commented on it.

https://www.domaindiscount24.com/ has its own ddns service runnning,
which (for me) gets rid of the necessity of having to use an extra
service for that.

I tested the following patch on my system at home, and attached it to
this mail.

I started my quest at the community forum:


I will make an exception here now and still give you my thoughts :)

It looks like this is very close to the DynDNS protocol, so you can re-use that as some other providers do.

Unfortunately this provider has no list of any possible responses - or maybe I have overlooked it. That can however be tested to check if those are still compatible with DynDNS.

Finally, you are setting the IP addresses to “auto” which probably is not a good idea. I would prefer that it is explicitly being set. There is a function for it that finds out which one is the correct IP address.

In the end I think this provider could look like “myonlineportal”: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=ddns.git;a=blob;f=src/ddns/providers.py;h=661fbcc57a5aecba0d958ec05c26296b3cef0d70;hb=HEAD#l1274
