Hello List,

I would like to introduce a "little" modified updxlrator wui for actual ipfire 2.11 Core65.
Because of the changes I made to optimize the code in functionality and more conformity to the xhtml 1.0 web-standard to speed up rendering process in the browsers, the attached zip-file affected not only updxlrator but also the followed parts:

1. apache:
Modified /etc/httpd/conf/loadmodules.conf - enable mod_deflate for compression the output files (except graphics) if browser supports it.
Modified /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/ipfire-interface-ssl.conf - enabling compression for whole SSL-Web interface

2. Theme "ipfire" & "maniac":

Due to performance problems with browser google chrome when in maintenance view and having lots of files in updatecache,
 these problems results from some missing and/or not correct declared tags in the begin of each page.
These changes are:

- Sending Request-Header Content-Type instead of <meta Content-Type [..]> (Recommend by microsoft for IE >= Ver 8)
- Modified Declaration:
   <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd'>
   <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>

These changes let perform google chrome like a charm rendering the pages within ~15 secs like other browsers (tested with IE9, Opera, Firefox in actual versions)
instead of waiting for minutes ...

- Made some bugfixing to the theme code, cause it produce errors in validator.

3. Web-UI in general and addons which use the "age"-function from general-functions

 - modified age function to show the time translated, in single and plural terms, but only the parts, which make sense.
   Example instead of showing: 0d 0h 47m 15s, it will show now: 47 Minutes, 15sec. in connection time

4. Added some strings to de.pl and en.pl  so you have to run "perl -e "require '/var/ipfire/lang.pl'; &Lang::BuildCacheLang" ...

The web-ui of updxlrator is now fully xhtml1.0-valid by test with the w3c-validator.

The attached file contains the complete folder structure (etc/srv/var) and only contain the files I changed / added, so there should be no problems when you copy it over / .... hopefully.

I would be really happy to hear something about it, at least from ones who have really large updatecaches.

Kind regards,

Jörn-Ingo Weigert (nightshift)