Hi Karl,
this list was a first idea of how the working progress can be listed. So the list isn´t finished until now, it might be important to find a good harmony also in relation to the workflow. The next step should be to figure a good way out for a spreadsheet, where all are invited to advect new ideas. For example if someone did some work on the wiki he can comment it in there what was done or what should be done in a closer future. Also a list of wikis which should be revised can be a good idea. But there is surely more.

The DNS forwarding wiki is meanwhile in phase (C) or may (D), but it is important to know what work was done until now, how many people did a review on that page and so on. As you see the workflow and a potential ToDo list is in the beginning and possibly a discussion with more ideas to this theme will come.



Am 05.08.2013 um 19:18 schrieb SCHUH Karl, SCHUH-TV:

Hi Erik,
thank you for your mail about the documentation-workflow, but I still don't get it :-(

The table says about "DNS forwarding", that translation should be done. On the other hand it (and the document itself) say, that this doc is in stage B, which means "authoring"?  :-/

How shall I interpret this?

Best regards,

Ing. Karl SCHUH

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