Here are the actual ugly screenshots from the loginpage.
one version with voucher access and the other one with license agreement.
Am 29.01.2016 um 02:59 schrieb Michael Tremer:
Hi Maurice,
I know that you are busy with other things, but nevertheless I would
like to send you this request.
Alex is currently working on a so called captive portal. That are these
things that pop up on your phone or laptop when you connect to a
wireless network in a hotel or cafe. That web page that is shown is
what we need to design now.
We also have a few other pages that are shown to the users of the
network when for example a web page is blocked. That page however is
really ugly and probably needs a remake as well. I want to focus on the
captive portal for now, but I guess you would like to know that there
are more. [1] and [2]. Really bad right? They scare users.
Alex will send you a screenshot of the development version we have now.
This is just a quick page to show the concept and what we are roughly
There are two options for now. The first one is where the user has to
agree to a license and click a "I accept" button. The second one is
where the user will have to type in a voucher code and click a button
to log in.
Would you like to work on this?
If so, a quick mock-up would be okay for now, because we would like to
put this entire project on the wishlist to raise some crowd-funding
money. Giving the user that mock-up would certainly help so that they
get a good impression what they are supporting here. The actual
implementation will happen a bit later when enough funds have been
@Alex, would you please send some screenshots of the two pages we have
so far?
P.S. @Maurice, I know that I am throwing a bit of random stuff at you.
Just let me know when I don't make sense any more :)
[1] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9sw4wUeUsgQ/VfU-c33FMDI/AAAAAAAADzM/bBnJN4oCffo/s640/31.png
[2] http://wiki.ipfire.org/_media/en/addons/clamav/squidclamav-detection.png