
OK, in general I got it. Thanks for the screens Alex.

I have a few questions and suggestions.

  1. To be prepared for further upcoming pages like these, are you able to hand over a list of them (perhaps with screenshots)? Not really needed, but very helpful to deliver a consistent flexible design.
  2. Should the hoster be able to include his own logo/brand? That would give the users a lot more trust in that things. If an image upload is not in the current scope, I suggest a prominent headline where the hoster is able to include the company name. Do you agree?
  3. Since it's part of IPFire, should those pages be designed like the new upcoming style of IPFire? Means same color theme, button style, IPFire logo, caption like "powered by IPFire", etc? Or should it totally generic so that the users has no clue what system shows those dialogs?

Best, Maurice

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 1:51 PM, Alexander Marx <alexander.marx@oab.de> wrote:

Here are the actual ugly screenshots from the loginpage.
one version with voucher access and the other one with license agreement.


Am 29.01.2016 um 02:59 schrieb Michael Tremer:
Hi Maurice,

I know that you are busy with other things, but nevertheless I would
like to send you this request.

Alex is currently working on a so called captive portal. That are these
things that pop up on your phone or laptop when you connect to a
wireless network in a hotel or cafe. That web page that is shown is
what we need to design now.

We also have a few other pages that are shown to the users of the
network when for example a web page is blocked. That page however is
really ugly and probably needs a remake as well. I want to focus on the
captive portal for now, but I guess you would like to know that there
are more. [1] and [2]. Really bad right? They scare users.

Alex will send you a screenshot of the development version we have now.
This is just a quick page to show the concept and what we are roughly

There are two options for now. The first one is where the user has to
agree to a license and click a "I accept" button. The second one is
where the user will have to type in a voucher code and click a button
to log in.

Would you like to work on this?

If so, a quick mock-up would be okay for now, because we would like to
put this entire project on the wishlist to raise some crowd-funding
money. Giving the user that mock-up would certainly help so that they
get a good impression what they are supporting here. The actual
implementation will happen a bit later when enough funds have been

@Alex, would you please send some screenshots of the two pages we have
so far?


P.S. @Maurice, I know that I am throwing a bit of random stuff at you.
Just let me know when I don't make sense any more :)

[1] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9sw4wUeUsgQ/VfU-c33FMDI/AAAAAAAADzM/bBnJN4oCffo/s640/31.png
[2] http://wiki.ipfire.org/_media/en/addons/clamav/squidclamav-detection.png