On 29. Mar 2017, at 13:54, Michael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org> wrote:


On Tue, 2017-03-28 at 23:54 +0200, Maurice Gesswein wrote:
Hey Sven,

see my inline comments...

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 10:32 PM, Sven <sven.hoehn@posteo.de> wrote:
I have some questions:

What is the base-font size? 16px (SM) or 20px (M)?

I use 16px for body text in all viewports. Only in some cases the
text sizes are different in some viewports for the same case. For the
WUI (IPFire Admin Interface) I'm going to use 14px as the default

It is okay if I use rem for the font-size? (It’s the default in

If I convert rem into px later on based your finished pages and I get
the px size back I defined than I'm happy :) I leave the decision to
you. I can't use rem in Sketch. So I'll provide always px.

How we handle the headings do we use h1-h6 with given sizes or are
the sizes defined via classes 4xl-xs?
(Keine Ahnung ob das so zu verstehen ist. Also meine Frage ist ob
wir für die Überschriften die Schriftgrößen bei H1-H6 definieren
oder wir die Größen über Klassen festlegen also 4xl-xs?)

Use the way which do you think works better :)

I think it is best to change the bootstrap template to what we need and
then we are fine.

Bootstrap 4 has also extra classed for "display" headings. Maybe it is
those that we should change. Probably just the default ones.

At the moment I think to just edit the _variable.scss from bootstrap and then add the missing pieces.
There are all the definitions for fonts, sizes, colours etc.

What are the fallback fonts? Ubuntu, “Helvetica Neue”, Arial, sans-

I suggest the common fallback. I can't remember a case where the
webfont was not able to load.

How do you guys feel about the Ubuntu font anyways?

I like the Ubuntu font.

The grid is the default Bootstrap Grid (12 columns) with a padding
of 24px instead of the default 30px?

e.g. https://www.dropbox.com/home/IPFire/IPFire-Share/Website?preview
Do we use the color naming from the Zeplin Project or a semantic
color naming like brand-primary, brand-info etc.?

I prefer names as provided in Zeplin. They are named how they look
and not for what they are planed to use. It avoids confusion in cases
like: A blue is named "info-blue" and later on it should be used for
a donut-chart fragment as well. "info-blue" doesn't fit anymore.

I think we should go with the bootstrap names again. We exactly have
colours for the success, info, danger, etc. states and I used that in
all the existing markup already. So going with that way we don't have
to change too much in the HTML and just get the right colour

The fewer stuff we have to customise the better.
If I create a note file for myself, do I also put this file on git?

Could do. Depends on what it is really. Generally I would like to keep
everything open and accessible for everyone. So we can see what the
status is, review what we need to review and so on.

I copied some examples from the Bootstrap documentation in there for the naming of the media-queries and the scss mixin, so that I don’t have to go back every time.

How often do you want me to submit the work, is once a day enough?

I would prefer small and logical steps. That doesn't have to be once a
day. Usually that is more often :)

You can use branches for stuff as well. I usually make sure that by the
end of my working day everything is in Git - just to have a backup.

It’s the first time that I work with Git, so I have no experience with it.

I’m not familiar with the Python webserver it is better to serve
less files (like in HTTP) or more small files (like in HTTP/2)?

This will just be used to serve the HTML. The assets like JS and CSS
will be served by nginx later. I try to keep the number of files as low
as possible because that means fewer requests.

However, I do not see that there will be more files required. You
should not need to create more JS and CSS will just be modifying the
Bootstrap template which is one (rather large) file.

At the moment there are 3 css files and 3 js files if I remember, for less files I would go down to just one minified-CSS and one local minified-JS file on the webpage.
On my end I will combine the needed Bootstrap files plus the customisation via @import in the scss file and compile only the one css file.

Can I remove all the HTTP prefixes in the template file and put
only //. At the moment both methods are used.

Some of the websites are served over http, some over https.

So at the moment there is no plan to bring everything over to HTTPS?

We deliver assets from static.ipfire.org in production, so that nobody
needs to download these files multiple times when they browser across
domain names on the same webapp.

I leave it as it is.

Hope this answers all these questions so far. Please do send more if
there are any.


What is the progress so far? How are you doing? I cannot tell by the
questions you are asking :)

Now that I think to have all the pieces I put them together and we will see what happens.

