First output looks very promising for me. Thanks Sven!

It seems to be that something went weird with the colors at Zeplin. At the thumbnails they look good, when you open a screen they doesn't. Good news: Hex codes are correct! :) I'll figure out what went wrong and perhaps I found another tool like Zeplin which can be archived by Michael ;p Stay tuned, still checking the feature set.

Next thing is that Zeplin interprets the properties of e.g. a font correct but might be unclear for others. Please use the properties ABOVE the CSS box as the primary information about the selected element. Than your mentioned opacity issue should be clear. The colors should look like this: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6).

I found several things I would like to fix:

Do we want to set up a Trello board for all these and upcoming todos? I'm also fine by using Git issues for that.


On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 8:02 PM, Sven <> wrote:
and now how we proceed?

Are you writing down a list with all the things to change?

Do we talk so that everybody express what he thinks and what to change?

> On 5. Apr 2017, at 19:55, Michael Tremer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> it is all up on
> If you want to view fireinfo, just add the "dev" to the domain. For example:
> Do the same for planet, wishlist, etc...
> -Michael
> On Wed, 2017-04-05 at 18:11 +0100, Michael Tremer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Tue, 2017-04-04 at 22:18 +0200, Sven wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I’m thinkin’ that the coding of the home page has reached a point where we
>>> need the site live to discuss.
>> Great!
>>> It’s not pixel perfect, the mobile menu is only the bootstrap version from
>>> top
>>> down and not from the left like in the mookups, the SCSS code is still very
>>> chaotic, the image-scaling dosen’t work like expected and the svg scaling
>>> dosen’t work at all in Safari, but it’s good enough to have a conversation.
>>> @Michael it is possible to include html markup between these brackets {{
>>> _("IPFire") }} for example {{ _(“IP<strong>Fire</strong>") }}
>> No. The translation function escapes all HTML.
>>> @Maurice I have troubles with the colours, in zeplin for example the
>>> background is $blue_grey_900 but with a opacity of 0.6 when I put the same
>>> values in my css the colour seems darker.
>>> But its easier to go all of these details when you see it in your browser.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Sven
>> -Michael