First, this is no fingerpointing or something like that. This is not a rude comment! I'm wondering what about the major available bugs like flickering Sidenavigation during browser resize and overlapping text in the left sidebar at the feature page? Should this be fixed in the very end? In other words there are some major and a lot of minor bugs which could be addressed while no new designs/layouts are available.

My next todo is the blog article. Defining the text formation. Think I'll have a bit of time to work on this during the next 2-3 weeks.

Best, Maurice

Sven <> schrieb am Mi., 25. Apr. 2018, 16:58:
This week busy … hope to have a bit of time the next weeks.

Yes, please implement the stats in the backend.

What is with the Planet do we rename it to Blog and move it to the top navigation?

> Am 25.04.2018 um 14:59 schrieb Michael Tremer <>:
> Thanks for the quick answer.
> On Wed, 2018-04-25 at 14:47 +0200, Sven wrote:
>> at the moment no news from my side.
> How is your availability in the next few days and weeks? Are you quite busy with
> other things or do you think that we can make some good progress?
>> But if you order the page content, we still have to decide which Fireinfo
>> Stats to put on the homepage.
> Yes, thanks for reminding me. Let's go with the following two things:
> * The latest version and how many systems are running it (as we have it
> already).
> * As a second thing, let's pick a random country for each request (potentially
> one of the top 20 or so where percentages are not toooo small, maybe everything
> above 1%) and show the gauge for how many of the systems are running in that
> country.
> So for example: Germany (45%) or Switzerland (5%) and so on.
> I guess that is a quite interesting statistic and better than what CPU people
> are using because Intel is quite obvious any ways...
> Do you want me to implement the backend like last time?
> Best,
> -Michael
>> Greetings,
>> Sven
>>> Am 25.04.2018 um 14:02 schrieb Michael Tremer <>:
>>> Hello,
>>> me again. I went ahead and made a few changes to the website.
>>> This is mostly all backend:
>>> * A bit of tidying up of some messy code or changes that don't change much:
>>> 6a69
>>> c0351c2fac2676ef
>>> 7744
>>> 0efc3e75c23e18aa
>>> c0c8
>>> c9b688057b294ec1
>>> 9540
>>> b1c8c52ca0d1cce1
>>> 616f
>>> 0632f5e2fb4452c5
>>> dc7b
>>> 47367d2bb16945ee
>>> 1576
>>> 6cfb894931b43e65
>>> 3c48
>>> 46561d50421d97f6
>>> ef23
>>> bf9d28ac49557e4f
>>> * I dropped the link to the Google Plus page. Nobody seems to be using that:
>>> 60e3
>>> 814d9d7fe0cb2686
>>> * And the bigger changes are those two:
>>> 0fe1
>>> 07459098ba248b7d
>>> 77f9
>>> 615ce674ce1de8da
>>> The first one drops the wishlist. I do not think that it is wise to follow
>>> this
>>> any more. We should rather encourage people to set up a recurring donation
>>> instead of searching features that are interesting enough to donate some
>>> money
>>> to because that takes money away from security-related things that are just
>>> not
>>> very exciting for our users.
>>> The second one drop the entire German translation. We still have a lot of
>>> work
>>> ahead of us and I am going to improve some of the texts, but I cannot afford
>>> the
>>> time to do this for German as well. Nobody seems to care about a localized
>>> website anyways since the wiki is only English for a while.
>>> Please let me know your comments.
>>> I also merged everything from your branch together with the changes to the
>>> website in the meantime. Sven, please continue working on that branch now.
>>> You can do this as follows:
>>> git fetch origin
>>> git reset --hard origin/next
>>> And then just keep committing and pushing to your repository as usual. The
>>> first
>>> push needs to overwrite the old branch:
>>> git push shoehn +master
>>> The plus sign overwrites all changes in the old branch.
>>> Best,
>>> -Michael
>>> On Wed, 2018-04-25 at 11:06 +0100, Michael Tremer wrote:
>>>> Any status update other than this?
>>>> Let me know where I can support. I am excited about the website and think
>>>> we
>>>> are
>>>> close to rolling it out. What is left on the todo list?
>>>> -Michael
>>>> On Tue, 2018-04-24 at 10:55 +0100, Michael Tremer wrote:
>>>>> Yeah, but right now we are not even anywhere near 250 EUR a month, so
>>>>> this
>>>>> is
>>>>> really really pointless...
>>>>> On Mon, 2018-04-23 at 17:19 +0200, Sven wrote:
>>>>>> 25000 Euro each month would be great :-D
>>>>>>> Am 23.04.2018 um 12:31 schrieb Michael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire
>>>>>>> .org
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> They generally do offer
>>>>>>> that, but require a minimum turnover of 25000 EUR each month