Hi all,
as I explained to you previously, I regularly compare the contents of the
English and German language files, of which here are my results at the end
of this message :
Summary to date (since the 148 IPFires testing version of July 30) :
- 16 strings are missing in the English version (EN)
- 42 strings are missing in the German version (DE)
It would be great if someone could suggest an update to the translation
files so that people contributing additional translations (e.g. French,
Spanish, Portuguese, etc.) can base themselves on a full English language
Best, Stéphane
English translation (16 missing strings) :
'Captive clients' => 'Clients',
'Captive genvoucher' => 'Gutschein generieren',
'Captive logo_upload' => 'Logo hochladen',
'Captive logo_upload1' => '(PNG, min. 1280x400, max. 1920x800)',
'Scan for Songs' => 'Nach Musikstücken suchen',
'addon' => 'Add-Ons',
'bytes' => 'Bytes',
'ccd maxclients' => 'Mögliche Adressen',
'dns' => 'Domain Name System',
'info messages' => 'Info',
'no data' => 'Keine Daten',
'ovpn_fragment' => 'Fragmentgrösse',
'route config changed' => '',
'routing table entries' => 'Einträge der Routingtabelle',
'vpn statistics n2n' => 'VPN: Netz-zu-Netz-Statistiken',
German translation (42 missing strings) :
'Captive heading terms' => 'Terms & Conditions',
'Captive heading voucher' => 'Coupon or Access Code',
'Captive invalid coupon' => 'You entered an invalid coupon code. Please try
'Captive please enter a coupon code' => 'Please enter a coupon code',
'advproxy update information' => 'There is an updated version available for
download. Visit <a href="http://www.advproxy.net"
target="_blank">http://www.advproxy.net</a> for more information.',
'backup archive' => 'Backup File (.dat)',
'backup clear archive' => 'Clear Backup File (.gz)',
'backup erase key' => 'Erase key',
'backup explain key' => 'Backup are encrypted using a key. To avoid illegal
backup manipulations, IPFire only restores a backup that is encrypted with
the key you will specify here. You have three options available to you',
'backup explain key li1' => 'let IPFire create key for you.',
'backup explain key li2' => 'import a saved key (possibly password
'backup explain key li3' => 'extract a key from a non-encrypted 1.4.10
backup only.',
'backup explain key no1' => 'you should save this key if you plan to restore
new machines, IPFire accepts only once key creation/import.',
'backup explain key no2' => 'legacy floppy backups are not concerned with
this key.',
'backup extract key' => 'Extract key',
'backup import key' => 'Import key',
'backup key file' => 'Backup key file',
'backup key info' => 'IPFire restricts access to the backup key, thus you
must know root password. You have possibility to protect this key outside of
IPFire with a password.',
'backup media info' => 'Floppy and/or unformatted media may display stranges
partitions sizes. In this case, select the whole device. Remenber to mount
harddisk before removing device. Note: floppy created here are not usable
with IPFire installer program!',
'backup protect key password' => 'Backup key password',
'choose media' => 'Choose media',
'could not connect to www ipfire org' => 'Could not connect to
'cryptographic settings' => 'Cryptographic Settings',
'dh name is invalid' => 'Name is invalid, please use "dh1024.pem".',
'dhcp server disabled on blue interface' => 'DHCP server disabled on BLUE
'dhcp server enabled on blue interface' => 'DHCP server enabled on BLUE
'dns could not add server' => 'Could not add server - Reason:',
'done' => 'Do it',
'error the to date has to be later than the from date' => 'The to date has
to be later than the from date!',
'no entries' => 'No entries at the moment.',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'okay' => 'Okay',
'quick control' => 'Quick Control',
'shaping add options' => 'Add service',
'show areas' => 'show areas',
'show lines' => 'Show lines',
'show tls-auth key' => 'Show tls-auth key',
'teovpn_fragment' => 'Fragmentsize',
'tor bridge enabled' => 'Enable Tor bridge',
'tor errmsg invalid node id' => 'Invalid node ID',
'updxlrtr used by' => 'Used by',
'vpn configuration main' => 'VPN Configuration',