I have a tech who is wanting additional hours, and she is a fairly good researcher. I'd like to put her on the project of finding a replacement for Dokuwiki. However, before I do, I'd really like to know what we want it to do.
Here are my thoughts. Please feel free to say "yes" or "no" to anything. My feelings will not be hurt. But, I do want Brandy (the tech) to have a clear cut set of requirements before she puts in the time.
Requirements: * HTML * Multilevel tree menu * Keyword searchable * Full text searchable * User management * Multi-language capable
Nice to have * WYSIWYG editor * Export all or part to PDF or HTML * Comments on articles (similar to php.net)
Anyway, anyone want to add/remove/modify the above? Also, does anyone have a favorite package I should have her look into?