On Thu, 2017-07-13 at 20:33 +0200, Jonatan Schlag wrote:
For further explanation see: http://wiki.ipfire.org/devel/network/security-policies
Signed-off-by: Jonatan Schlag jonatan.schlag@ipfire.org
src/functions/functions.vpn-security-policies | 437 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 437 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/functions/functions.vpn-security-policies
diff --git a/src/functions/functions.vpn-security-policies b/src/functions/functions.vpn-security-policies new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e24e4f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/functions/functions.vpn-security-policies @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +#!/bin/bash +#################################################################### ########### +# # +# IPFire.org - A linux based firewall # +# Copyright (C) 2013 IPFire Network Development Team # +# #
It's 2017 :)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # +# (at your option) any later version. # +# # +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # +# GNU General Public License for more details. # +# # +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # +# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses /. # +# # +#################################################################### ###########
Obviously these need to be extended. But this will suit as a proof-of- concept. Just please order stuff alphabetically. In this case it is best to do it descending.
+vpn_security_policies_check_readonly() {
- # This functions checks if a policy is readonly
- # returns true when yes and false when no
- if isoneof name ${VPN_SECURITY_POLICIES_READONLY}; then
return ${EXIT_TRUE}
- else
return ${EXIT_FALSE}
- fi
+vpn_security_policies_write_config() {
- # This function writes all values to a via ${name}
specificated vpn security policy configuration file
- assert [ $# -ge 1 ]
- local name="${1}"
- if ! vpn_security_policy_exists ${name}; then
log ERROR "No such policy: ${name}"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
I think you need to improve some of the error messages. A sentence is usually good. The shorter the sweeter. Not sure if "no such policy" is helpful when they are actually called security policies. So, don't go too short.
- if vpn_security_policies_check_readonly ${name}; then
log ERROR "${name} is a readable only vpn security
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
Here I would suggest: "The system security policy cannot be changed"
- local args
No need to call list_append here. Settings args to VPN_SECURITY_POLICIES_CONFIG_SETTINGS is enough. You just just pass it to settings_write without using $args.
- local path="$(vpn_security_policies_path ${name})"
- if [ ! -w ${path} ]; then
log ERROR "${path} is not writeable"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- settings_write "${path}" ${args}
- # TODO everytime we successfully write a config we should
call some trigger to take the changes into effect +}
Space between the settings_write and comments, please.
What happens when the settings could not be written?
+vpn_security_policies_write_config_key() {
- # This funtion writes the value for one key to a via ${name}
specificated vpn security policy configuration file
- assert [ $# -ge 3 ]
- local name=${1}
- if ! vpn_security_policy_exists ${name}; then
log ERROR "No such policy: ${name}"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- local key=${2}
- shift 2
- local value="$@"
- log DEBUG "Set '${key}' to new value '${value}'"
Please group the argument parsing together at the top and then test if the policy exists. This is hard to read.
Also the logging message is a bit random since it doesn't mention the security policy here.
- # Read the config settings
- if ! vpn_security_policies_read_config ${name}; then
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
This will overwrite any global variables. So you will need to call
before you read the settings from file.
- # Set the key to a new value
- eval "${key}="${value}""
Never ever use eval. This will allow someone to pass shell commands that may get executed. At no time ever we would want that.
There is a function called assign() that takes care of assigning a variable.
- if ! vpn_security_policies_write_config ${name}; then
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- return ${EXIT_TRUE}
+vpn_security_policies_read_config() {
- # Reads one or more keys out of a settings file or all if no
key is provided.
- assert [ $# -ge 1 ]
- local name="${1}"
- shift 1
- if ! vpn_security_policy_exists ${name}; then
log ERROR "No such policy: ${name}"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- local args
- if [ $# -eq 0 ] && [ -n
list_append args
- else
list_append args $@
- fi
- local path="$(vpn_security_policies_path ${name})"
- if [ ! -r ${path} ]; then
log ERROR "${path} is not readable"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
Why do you need to do this every time? Doesn't settings_read do this?
- settings_read "${path}" ${args}
+vpn_security_policies_path() {
- # Returns the path to a the configuration fora given name
- assert [ $# -eq 1 ]
- local name=${1}
- if vpn_security_policies_check_readonly ${name}; then
echo "/usr/share/network/vpn/security-
- else
echo "/etc/network/vpn/security-policies/${name}"
- fi
Hard-coded paths :(
+vpn_security_policies_show() {
- # Print the content of a vpn security policy configuration
file in a nice way
- assert [ $# -eq 1 ]
- local name=${1}
Here you will need to do the local variable initialization before you red this in - as above.
- # Break if read fails
- if ! vpn_security_policies_read_config ${name}; then
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- cli_print_fmt1 0 "Security Policy: ${name}"
- cli_space
- # This could be done in a loop but a loop is much more
- # because we print 'Group Types' but the variable is named
- cli_print_fmt1 1 "Ciphers:"
- cli_print_fmt1 2 "${CIPHER}"
- cli_space
This does not show any broken ciphers as broken. But we could add this later as well. This patch is quite huge already.
- cli_print_fmt1 1 "Integrity:"
- cli_print_fmt1 2 "${INTEGRITY}"
- cli_space
- cli_print_fmt1 1 "Group Types:"
- cli_print_fmt1 2 "${GROUP_TYPE}"
- cli_space
- cli_print_fmt1 1 "Key exchange:" "${KEY_EXCHANGE}"
Capital E in Exchange
- cli_print_fmt1 1 "Key Lifetime in seconds:" "${LIFETIME}"
The lifetime should be formatted nicely because seconds are hard to understand. There is a function that formats these nicely.
- if enabled PFS; then
cli_print_fmt1 1 "Perfect Forward Secrecy:"
- else
cli_print_fmt1 1 "Perfect Forward Secrecy:"
- fi
- cli_space
- if enabled COMPRESSION; then
cli_print_fmt1 1 "Compression:" "enabled"
- else
cli_print_fmt1 1 "Compression:" "disabled"
- fi
- cli_space
+vpn_security_policy_exists() {
- # This function checks if a vpn security policy exists
- # Returns True when yes and false when not
- assert [ $# -eq 1 ]
- local name=${1}
- local path=$(vpn_security_policies_path ${name})
- [ -f ${path} ]
- # This function parses the parameters for the 'cipher'
- local name=${1}
- shift
- if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
log ERROR "You must pass at least one value after
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
local CIPHER
- if ! vpn_security_policies_read_config ${name} "CIPHER";
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- # Remove duplicated entries to proceed the list safely
- CIPHER="$(list_unique ${CIPHER})"
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "${1}" in
# Check if the cipher is in the list
of ciphers and
# check if the list has after
removing this cipher at least one valid value
if list_match ${value} ${CIPHER} &&
[ $(list_length ${CIPHER}) -gt 1 ]; then
list_remove CIPHER ${value}
log ERROR "Can not remove
${value} from the list of Ciphers because ${value} is not in the list or the list would be empty after removing this cipher"
There is no return here which ends the function on this error.
I think you should check this after the loop to support things like:
-3DES +AES256
This would crash if 3DES is the last cipher but the user does not intend to remove all ciphers.
# Check if the Ciphers is in the
list of supported ciphers.
if ! isoneof value
log ERROR "${value} is not a
supported cipher and can thats why not added to the list of ciphers"
if list_match ${value}
${CIPHER}; then
"${value} is already in the list of ciphers of this policy"
list_append CIPHER
- done
- vpn_security_policies_write_config_key ${name} "CIPHER"
Are there no errors to catch here?
- # This function parses the parameters for the 'compression'
- local name=${1}
- local value=${2}
- # Check if we get only one argument after compression <name>
- if [ ! $# -eq 2 ] || ! isbool value; then
log ERROR "You can pass only one parameter after
compression and this one must be 'on' or 'off'"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
Probably not the nicest handling in case of no argument or so. This also suggests two values but actually more would be accepted as well.
- vpn_security_policies_write_config_key "${name}"
"COMPRESSION" "${value}" +}
- # This function parses the parameters for the 'group-type'
- local name=${1}
- shift
- if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
log ERROR "You must pass at least one value after
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- if ! vpn_security_policies_read_config ${name} "GROUP_TYPE";
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- # Remove duplicated entries to proceed the list safely
- GROUP_TYPE="$(list_unique ${GROUP_TYPE})"
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "${1}" in
# Check if the group type is in the
list of group types and
# check if the list has after
removing this group type at leatst one valid value
if list_match ${value} ${GROUP_TYPE}
&& [ $(list_length ${GROUP_TYPE}) -gt 1 ]; then
list_remove GROUP_TYPE
log ERROR "Can not remove
${value} from the list of group types because ${value} is not in the list or the list would be empty after removing this group type"
# Check if the group type is in the
list of supported group types.
if ! isoneof value
log ERROR "${value} is not a
supported group type and can thats why not added to the list of group types"
if list_match ${value}
${GROUP_TYPE}; then
"${value} is already in the list of group-types of this policy"
GROUP_TYPES ${value}
- done
- vpn_security_policies_write_config_key ${name} "GROUP_TYPE"
Same as above.
- # This function parses the parameters for the 'integrity'
- local name=${1}
- shift
- if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
log ERROR "You must pass at least one value after
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- if ! vpn_security_policies_read_config ${name} "INTEGRITY";
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- # Remove duplicated entries to proceed the list safely
- INTEGRITY="$(list_unique ${INTEGRITY})"
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "${1}" in
# Check if the integrity hash is in
the list of integrity hashes and
# check if the list has after
removing this integrity hash at least one valid value
if list_match ${value} ${INTEGRITY}
&& [ $(list_length ${INTEGRITY}) -gt 1 ]; then
list_remove INTEGRITY
log ERROR "Can not remove
${value} from the list of integrity hashes because ${value} is not in the list or the list would be empty after removing this integrity hash"
# Check if the Ciphers is in the
list of supported integrity hashes.
if ! isoneof value
log ERROR "${value} is not a
supported integrity hashes and can thats why not added to the list of integrity hashes"
if list_match ${value}
${INTEGRITY}; then
"${value} is already in the list of integrety hashes of this policy"
INTEGRITY ${value}
- done
- vpn_security_policies_write_config_key ${name} "INTEGRITY"
+vpn_security_policies_key_exchange() {
- # This function parses the parameters for the 'key-exchange'
- local name=${1}
- local value=${2}
- # Check if we get only one argument after compression <name>
- if [ ! $# -eq 2 ] || ! isoneof value "ikev1" "ikev2"; then
log ERROR "You can pass only one parameter after
key-exchange and this one must be 'ikev1' or 'ikev2'"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
Should we accept values like "IKEv2", too?
- vpn_security_policies_write_config_key "${name}"
"KEY_EXCHANGE" "${value}" +}
- # This function parses the parameters for the 'lifetime'
- local name=${1}
- local value=${2}
- # Check if we get only one argument after compression <name>
- if [ ! $# -eq 2 ] || ! isinteger value || [ ${value} -le 0
]; then
log ERROR "You can pass only one parameter after
liftime and this one must be an valid integer greater zero"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- vpn_security_policies_write_config_key "${name}" "LIFETIME"
"${value}" +}
This one should accept values like "1h". There is a function for it.
- # This function parses the parameters for the 'pfs' command
- local name=${1}
- local value=${2}
- # Check if we get only one argument after compression <name>
- if [ ! $# -eq 2 ] || ! isbool value; then
log ERROR "You can pass only one parameter after pfs
and this one must be 'on' or 'off'"
return ${EXIT_ERROR}
- fi
- vpn_security_policies_write_config_key "${name}" "PFS"
"${value}" +}
See above.
+vpn_security_policies_check_name() {
- # This function checks if a vpn security policy name is
- # Allowed are only A-Za-z0-9
- assert [ $# -eq 1 ]
- local name=${1}
- [[ ${name} =~ [[:alnum:]] ]]
This only checks if there is at least one alphanumerical character in the string. But it does not exclusively check for them I think.
+vpn_security_policies_new() {
- # Function that creates based on the paramters one ore more
new vpn security policies
- local name
- for name in $@; do
if vpn_security_policy_exists ${name}; then
log ERROR "The vpn security policy ${name}
does already exist"
if vpn_security_policies_check_name ${name}; then
log ERROR "'${name}' contains illegal
characters. Allowed are only A-Za-z0-9 are allowed"
log DEBUG "Creating vpn security policy ${name}"
cp "$(vpn_security_policies_path "system")"
"$(vpn_security_policies_path ${name})"
Don't use cp.
- done
What happens when I create a new policy called "system"?
+vpn_security_policies_destroy() {
- # Function that deletes based on the passed parameters one
ore more vpn security policies
- local name
- for name in $@; do
if ! vpn_security_policy_exists ${name}; then
log ERROR "The vpn security policy ${name}
does not exist"
if vpn_security_policies_check_readonly ${name};
log ERROR "The vpn security policy ${name}
is readonly and can thats why not deleted"
log DEBUG "Deleting vpn security policy ${name}"
rm -f $(vpn_security_policies_path ${name})
- done
This is overall good work. See the comments above and go through them one by one and please send an updated version of the patch when ever you are ready.
Best, -Michael