I would like to introduce and (ask to merge) the new updated webui of
update accelerator
(and some other minor changes which should be implemented)
First the new ui of updxlrator could be found here:
Git: http://git.ipfire.org/?p=people/jiweigert/ipfire-2.x.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/…
The new ui have in most parts a renovated code base and a layout which
are separated in a html / css part.
- In XHTML1.0 strict deprecated tags like <font> or style-attributes are removed
- no hardcoded path-variables except of the variables at code begin anymore
- The layout is now splitted into several parts: "Overview" /
"Statistics" / "Maintenance" & new "Settings" which can be choosed by
an button area in upper right corner
- The section which shouldbe shown when calling update accelerator via
sidemenu could now be set in settings view
- When using current browser like opera or chrome the fields for max
disk usage & max-bandwidth usage are shown as slider / number selector
for older browser old input fields
- the percentbar for disk usage shows now the space used by update
accelerator & total disk usage instead of only total disk usage
- the vendor-icons are now searched dynamically and be shown in the
legend and rows if they are present in
- all other symbols are collected together in one graphic
- Update files are now sorted by vendor in maintenance view
Updated Themes ipfire / maniac:
Git: http://git.ipfire.org/?p=people/jiweigert/ipfire-2.x.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/…
The XHTML declaration inside functions.pl of both themes lacks correct
syntax, so this caused Chrome Browser
to interpret first the HTML-Code in ascii which slows down the render
time inside the browser and blocks the preload
function of IE 8 and up. This fix correct this
Which fixed also Bug 10267. https://bugzilla.ipfire.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10267
Delivery of compressed html-pages:
Git: http://git.ipfire.org/?p=people/jiweigert/ipfire-2.x.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/…
Cause of some huge content pages delivered by f.e. update accelerator
or large log-files it is good to use
mod_deflate if Browser support it. That reduces bandwidth which users
appreciate if they call the webif via external access or slow lines.
This patch activates it for content except of images or Javascript-Files
Improved age-Function:
Git: http://git.ipfire.org/?p=people/jiweigert/ipfire-2.x.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/…
This advanced version now shows only the time parts, which are
important in singular / plural / shortened form.
(1 seconds.) instead of (0d, 0h, 0m, 1s)
(3 minutes, 1 sec.)
(4 hours, 3 min., 1 sec)
(2 days, 4 hr., 3 min., 1 sec.)
Colorized & Improved uptime
Git: http://git.ipfire.org/?p=people/jiweigert/ipfire-2.x.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/…
In both themes there are used different javascript-codes to display
in/out bandwidth rate.
This patch correct that and use in maniac-theme as in ipfire-theme the
same external jquery.js
the style-attributes to colorize the output is now included inside the style.css
And at least a small optical layout issue
Git: http://git.ipfire.org/?p=people/jiweigert/ipfire-2.x.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/…
there was a large margin-bottom defined for the H3-Tag which caused
the spacer line not inline with that of the sidemenu
This patch fixes that.
Lang-files for de and en are included, all other langs need some maintenance.
some screenshots can be found in at the end of the first post in:
Kind regards,
Jörn-Ingo Weigert
@Devel: You are also welcome to share some ideas for upcoming version
of update-accelerator
Hello Fajar,
I would like to say hello and get in contact with you.
Michael from IPFire.org told me that you may have some requirements or
ideas for an improved update accelerator, cause we plan to extend the
current version (at this point it look like a complete rewrite o_O)
So how is your current situation?
It would be great if you can give some details of your current system,
your users, for what you use the update accelerator, the kind of files
you currently store and the space it currently used.
What could be improved or changed in an upcoming version?
What is disturbing you at moment?
To share the ideas & requirements I've added a Wiki-Page on
wiki.ipfire.org, where Ideas & current problems could be shared URL:
It would be great if you can participate to build a great new version!
Kind regards,
Joern-Ingo Weigert
Community Developer IPFire.org
I tried to add some stuff to the Hardware Compatibility List
(http://wiki.ipfire.org/en/hardware/networking?&#hcl-network). Is there
supposed to be a form to fill out, or are we supposed to log in and
manually change that page. I see a "Fix Me" tag on the page where I
assume the link to add something should be.
R. W. "Rod" Rodolico
Daily Data, Inc.
POB 140465
Dallas TX 75214-0465
Dear Mailing-List followers,
just two days after we've released IPFire 2.13 I've got a bug report on
our public IRC channel that the NFS-server wouldn't start any more.
So I've performed an update and commited it into my IPFire-2.x Git
The changes can be found here:
I've done some basic testing on my IPFire box yet, the rpc.nfsd will
start now, but I haven't configured any exports so I'm not able to do a
deeper testing.
There is still some testing required, before we can merge them into the
Main repository and distribute them.
I've uploaded a pre-compiled version, for easy testing and would invite
everyone to install and test.
To start testing, download and put the file into the "/opt/pakfire/tmp"
directory on your IPFire box. Then extract the files from the compressed
archive with "tar -xvf nfs-1.2.7-5.ipfire" and run "./install.sh" or
Please don't forget to provide feedback about your testing.
Thanks in advance,