I successfully built 'vnstat 2.6' under Core 142/32bit.
Right now a test version is running on my testmachine under Core 138 -
no seen problems.
Upgrading lfs and rootfile was enough for building, but I'm struggling
(a bit) with the necessary changes in some IPFire scripts. So I'm asking
here if there are ideas how to do this the best way.
Be warned, this is long... ;-)
1. Building is fine, but since 'vnstat 2.0' "C struct dump database has
been replaced with sqlite database".
[humdi-URL deleted ... Thanks Peter!]
This is one of the most important changes! The old interface files
'.green0', 'red0' etc. are only needed *once* after the update. After a
successful update and import (this is done automatically at the first
start of 'vnstatd -d --alwaysadd', see below), these files are obsolete
and can be deleted.
What I changed by hand to get this running:
1. GIT: Added '/usr/sbin/vnstatd' to rootfile. The new version needs it.
2. GIT: Deleted 'touch /var/log/vnstat/tag' from lfs and
'/var/log/vnstat/tag' from rootfile.
Perhaps the 'sed'-line in 'lfs' replacing 'eth0' with 'green0' can be
deleted, too ("leave empty for automatic selection")!?
3. Deleted the following lines from '/usr/local/bin/makegraphs':
## Update vnstat
system ('/usr/bin/vnstat -u');
4. Stopped 'vnstat' and 'collectd' (to be sure, I stopped both, perhaps
only stopping 'vnstat' is needed here).
5. Installed the new files on my testmachine:
6. Started 'vnstatd -d --alwaysadd'.
'-d' => fork process to background
'--alwaysadd' => always add new interfaces even when some dbs exist
[root@ipfiretest vnstat]# vnstatd -d --alwaysadd
Importing data from legacy database "green0".
Importing data from legacy database "blue0".
Importing data from legacy database "red0".
No interfaces found in database, adding available interfaces...
This created a new file: '/var/log/vnstat/vnstat.db' (SQL - see above),
plus 'vnstatd' running in background with a PID.
Where and how should the start/stop/reload of 'vnstatd' be added?
I think of adding appopriate commands to '/etc/initd/vnstat' but can't
get a grip on this. Would need some help with this.
Possibilities (from 'man vnstatd'):
The daemon is listening to signals SIGHUP, SIGINT and SIGTERM. Sending
the SIGHUP signal to the daemon will cause cached data to be written to
disk, a rescan of the database directory and a reload of settings from
the configuration file. However, the pid file location will not be
changed even if it's configuration setting has been modified.
SIGTERM and SIGINT signals will cause the daemon to write all cached
data to disk and then exit."
start section would need:
'vnstatd -d --alwaysadd'
stop section:
SIGTERM or SIGINT (tested with 'htop' sending SIGTERM: works)
reload section (if config was changed):
How to do this the best way? I'm stuck with this.
7. Deleted all old interface files in '/var/log/vnstat (.green0, .red0,
In my opinion, this could be done after upgrading *plus* a successful
import of the old interface files *plus* a successful start of 'vnstatd
-d --alwaysadd'. If 'vnstatd.db' was successfully created, these files
are not needed anymore.
How to do this the best way?
8. Since the graphs are no longer updated through 'makegraphs', I
created a symlink in '/etc/fcron.minutely' to '/var/usr/sbin/vnstat'
(*No* parameters, '-u' doesn't exist anymore).
Now every minute 'vnstat' now grabs the data collected by'vnstatd'.
9. Edited 'traffic.cgi', changed:
system("/usr/bin/vnstati -c 5
system("/usr/bin/vnstati -c 2
This keeps the graphs a bit more "updated".
>From 'man vnstat':
'-c (--cache-time) => Update output file only if at least *time* minutes
have passed since the previous file update.
Screenshot fomr my testmachine after importing the old interface files
from my production machine.
I made some minor adjustments to 'vnstat.conf', attached.
Thanks for any help!