..I'd like to have *two* problems with the IDS/IPS... ;-)
1. After upgrading to Core164 yesterday I took a look at the IDS GUI
today and found it locked with a spinning wheel at "Ruleset update in
progress. Please wait until all operations have completed successfully..."
Despite this message IPS seemed to work.
So I searched and found that the file "/tmp/ids_page_locked" still
existed. After deleting this file manually the web GUI opened,
everything seems normal.
Three activated rulesets were running, see attachment "01".
But the Web GUI stopped because of lines 234ff in 'ids.cgi':
# Check if the page is locked, in this case, the ids_page_lock_file exists.
if (-e $IDS::ids_page_lock_file) {
# Lock the webpage and print notice about autoupgrade of the ruleset
# is in progess.
&working_notice("$Lang::tr{'ids ruleset autoupdate in progress'}");
# Loop and check if the file still exists.
while(-e $IDS::ids_page_lock_file) {
# Sleep for a second and re-check.
sleep 1;
I searched again and found that there are two subroutines in
'/var/ipfire/ids-functions.pl', lines 1920ff, which are responsible for
locking and unlocking this file:
## Function to write the lock file for locking the WUI, while
## the autoupdate script runs.
sub lock_ids_page() {
# Call subfunction to create the file.
## Function to release the lock of the WUI, again.
sub unlock_ids_page() {
# Delete lock file.
Somehow lines 103ff in "/usr/local/bin/update-ids-ruleset" didn't
work/weren't executed(?):
# Lock the IDS page.
# The script has requested a lock, so set locket to "1".
$locked = "1";
# Grab the configured providers.
&General::readhasharray("$IDS::providers_settings_file", \%providers);
# Loop through the array of available providers.
foreach my $id (keys %providers) {
# Assign some nice variabled.
my $provider = $providers{$id}[0];
my $autoupdate_status = $providers{$id}[3];
# Skip the provider if autoupdate is not enabled.
next unless($autoupdate_status eq "enabled");
# Call the download function and gather the new ruleset for the
current processed provider.
if(&IDS::downloadruleset($provider)) {
# Store error message for displaying in the WUI.
&IDS::_store_error_message("$provider: $Lang::tr{'could not
download latest updates'}");
# Unlock the IDS page.
# Exit.
exit 0;
Manual updates - yesterday - were ok, but the automatic updates tonight
didn't unlink the lock file: IDS GUI stopped at the next call today.
2. There still exist a directory '/tmp/isd_tmp' containing 'conf'
('config' and 'map' files from emerging-threats) and a 'rules'-dir
containing all '*.rules'-files. Leftovers!? Can I safely delete these dirs?
And: can anyone confirm these two problems - or reproduce?