This functions are going to replace the former used scan/write to file/read from
file approach by directly collecting the required informations from the
kernel sysfs and devfs.
Signed-off-by: Stefan Schantl <stefan.schantl(a)>
html/cgi-bin/extrahd.cgi | 360 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 360 insertions(+)
diff --git a/html/cgi-bin/extrahd.cgi b/html/cgi-bin/extrahd.cgi
index 9dd3a0eee..5aadf15e8 100644
--- a/html/cgi-bin/extrahd.cgi
+++ b/html/cgi-bin/extrahd.cgi
@@ -255,3 +255,363 @@ END
+## Function which return an array with all available block devices.
+sub get_block_devices () {
+ my @devices;
+ # Open directory from kernel sysfs.
+ opendir(DEVICES, "/sys/block");
+ # Loop through the directory.
+ while(readdir(DEVICES)) {
+ # Skip . and ..
+ next if($_ =~ /^\.$/);
+ next if($_ =~ /^\..$/);
+ # Skip any loopback and ram devices.
+ next if($_ =~ "^loop");
+ next if($_ =~ "^ram");
+ # Add the device to the array of found devices.
+ push(@devices, $_);
+ }
+ # Close directory handle.
+ closedir(DEVICES);
+ # Return the devices array.
+ return @devices;
+## Function which return all partitions of a given block device.
+sub get_device_partitions ($) {
+ my ($device) = @_;
+ # Array to store the known partitions for the given
+ # device.
+ my @partitions;
+ # Assign device directory.
+ my $device_dir = "$sysfs_block_dir/$device";
+ # Abort and return nothing if the device dir does not exist.
+ return unless(-d "$device_dir");
+ opendir(DEVICE, "$sysfs_block_dir/$device");
+ while(readdir(DEVICE)) {
+ next unless($_ =~ "^$device");
+ push(@partitions, $_);
+ }
+ closedir(DEVICE);
+ @partitions = sort(@partitions);
+ return @partitions;
+## Returns the vendor of a given block device.
+sub get_device_vendor ($) {
+ my ($device) = @_;
+ # Assign device directory.
+ my $device_dir = "$sysfs_block_dir/$device";
+ # Abort and return nothing if the device dir does not exist
+ # or no vendor file exists.
+ return unless(-d "$device_dir");
+ return unless(-f "$device_dir/device/vendor");
+ # Open and read-in the device vendor.
+ open(VENDOR, "$device_dir/device/vendor");
+ my $vendor = <VENDOR>;
+ close(VENDOR);
+ # Abort and return nothing if no vendor could be read.
+ return unless($vendor);
+ # Remove any newlines from the vendor string.
+ chomp($vendor);
+ # Return the omited vendor.
+ return $vendor;
+## Returns the model name (string) of a given block device.
+sub get_device_model ($) {
+ my ($device) = @_;
+ # Assign device directory.
+ my $device_dir = "$sysfs_block_dir/$device";
+ # Abort and return nothing if the device dir does not exist
+ # or no model file exists.
+ return unless(-d "$device_dir");
+ return unless(-f "$device_dir/device/model");
+ # Open and read-in the device model.
+ open(MODEL, "$device_dir/device/model");
+ my $model = <MODEL>;
+ close(MODEL);
+ # Abort and return nothing if no model could be read.
+ return unless($model);
+ # Remove any newlines from the model string.
+ chomp($model);
+ # Return the model string.
+ return $model;
+## Returns the size of a given device in bytes.
+sub get_device_size ($) {
+ my ($device) = @_;
+ # Assign device directory.
+ my $device_dir = "$sysfs_block_dir/$device";
+ # Abort and return nothing if the device dir does not exist
+ # or no size file exists.
+ return unless(-d "$device_dir");
+ return unless(-f "$device_dir/size");
+ # Open and read-in the device size.
+ open(SIZE, "$device_dir/size");
+ my $size = <SIZE>;
+ close(SIZE);
+ # Abort and return nothing if the size could not be read.
+ return unless($size);
+ # Remove any newlines for the size string.
+ chomp($size);
+ # The omited size only contains the amount of blocks from the
+ # given device. To convert this into bytes we have to multiply this
+ # value with 512 bytes for each block. This is a static value used by
+ # the linux kernel.
+ $size = $size * 512;
+ # Return the size in bytes.
+ return $size;
+## Function which returns all currently mounted devices as a hash.
+## example: "sda1" -> "/boot"
+sub get_mountpoints () {
+ my %mounts;
+ # Open and read-in the current mounts from the
+ # kernel file system.
+ open(MOUNT, "/proc/mounts");
+ # Loop through the known mounts.
+ while(<MOUNT>) {
+ # Skip mounts which does not belong to a device.
+ next unless ($_ =~ "^/dev");
+ # Cut the line into pieces and assign nice variables.
+ my ($dev, $mpoint, $fs, $options, $a, $b) = split(/ /, $_);
+ # Split the device name.
+ my @tmp = split("/", $dev);
+ # Assign the plain device name to a new variable.
+ # It is the last element of the array.
+ my $device = $tmp[-1];
+ # Add the mountpoint to the hash of mountpoints.
+ $mounts{"$device"} = $mpoint;
+ }
+ # Close file handle.
+ close(MOUNT);
+ # Return the hash of known mountpoints.
+ return %mounts;
+sub get_swaps () {
+ my @swaps;
+ # Open and read the swaps file.
+ open(SWAP, "/proc/swaps");
+ # Loop though the file content.
+ while(<SWAP>) {
+ # Skip lines which does not belong to a device.
+ next unless ($_ =~ "^/dev");
+ # Split the line and assign nice variables.
+ my ($dev, $type, $size, $used, $prio) = split(/ /, $_);
+ # Cut the device line into pieces.
+ my @tmp = split("/", $dev);
+ my $device = @tmp[-1];
+ # Add the found swap to the array of swaps.
+ push(@swaps, $device);
+ }
+ # Close file handle.
+ close(SWAP);
+ # Sort the array.
+ @swaps = sort(@swaps);
+ # Return the array.
+ return @swaps;
+## Function with returns the mounted devices and the used filesystems as a hash.
+## Example: "sda1" -> "ext4"
+sub get_mountedfs () {
+ my %mountedfs;
+ # Open and read the current mounts from the kernel
+ # file system.
+ open(MOUNT, "/proc/mounts");
+ # Loop through the known mounts.
+ while(<MOUNT>) {
+ # Skip mounts which does not belong to a device.
+ next unless ($_ =~ "^/dev");
+ # Split line and assign nice variables.
+ my ($dev, $mpoint, $fs, $options, $a, $b) = split(/ /, $_);
+ # Cut the device line into pieces.
+ my @tmp = split("/", $dev);
+ # Assign the plain device name to a variable
+ # It is the last element of the temporary array.
+ my $device = $tmp[-1];
+ # Convert the filesystem into lower case format.
+ $fs = lc($fs);
+ # Add the mounted file system.
+ $mountedfs{$device} = $fs;
+ }
+ # Close file handle.
+ close(MOUNT);
+ # Return the hash with the mounted filesystems.
+ return %mountedfs;
+## Function which returns all known UUID's as a hash.
+## Example: "sda1" -> "1234-5678-abcd"
+sub get_uuids () {
+ my %uuids;
+ # Directory where the uuid mappings can be found.
+ my $uuid_dir = "/dev/disk/by-uuid";
+ # Open uuid directory and read-in the current known uuids.
+ opendir(UUIDS, "$uuid_dir");
+ # Loop through the uuids.
+ foreach my $uuid (readdir(UUIDS)) {
+ # Skip . and ..
+ next if($uuid eq "." or $uuid eq "..");
+ # Skip everything which is not a symbolic link.
+ next unless(-l "$uuid_dir/$uuid");
+ # Resolve the target of the symbolic link.
+ my $target = readlink("$uuid_dir/$uuid");
+ # Split the link target into pieces.
+ my @tmp = split("/", $target);
+ # Assign the last element of the array to the dev variable.
+ my $dev = "$tmp[-1]";
+ # Add the device and uuid to the hash of uuids.
+ $uuids{$dev} = $uuid;
+ }
+ # Close directory handle.
+ closedir(UUIDS);
+ # Return the hash of uuids.
+ return %uuids;
+## Returns the device name of a given uuid.
+sub device_by_uuid ($) {
+ my ($uuid) = @_;
+ # Reverse the main uuids hash.
+ my %uuids = reverse %uuids;
+ # Lookup and return the device name.
+ return $uuids{$uuid};
+## Returns "True" in case a given path is a known mountpoint.
+sub is_mounted ($) {
+ my ($mpoint) = @_;
+ my %mountpoints = reverse %mountpoints;
+ # Return "True" if the requested mountpoint is known and
+ # therefore mounted.
+ return 1 if($mountpoints{$mpoint});
+## Returns "True" if a given mountpoint is a subdirectory of one
+## of the directories specified by the valid_mount_dirs array abouve.
+sub is_valid_dir ($) {
+ my ($mpoint) = @_;
+ # Split the given mountpoint into pieces and store them
+ # in a temporay array.
+ my @tmp = split("/", $mpoint);
+ # Exit and return nothing if the temporary array is empty.
+ return unless(@tmp);
+ # Build the root path based on the given mount point.
+ my $root_path = "/" . @tmp[1];
+ # Check if the root path is valid.
+ return 1 if(grep /$root_path/, @valid_mount_dirs);
+# Returns "True" if a device is used as swap.
+sub is_swap ($) {
+ my ($device) = @_;
+ return 1 if(grep /$device/, @swaps);