Hello Michael,
Updating packages and provide some system hardening (kernel, SSH, et al.) for IPFire 3.x is on my todo list for a long time now. While searching for further information about how to build packages for this distribution, I came across https://wiki.ipfire.org/devel/build_package/start .
Yes, that's correct.
As far as I understood, an instance of IPFire 3.x is needed to build packages on it; there is no other way documented. Is this correct? What happened to https://pakfire.ipfire.org/ ?
The webUI is currently offline. I am quite busy with the rest of the infrastructure, but when that is done, this will be next.
You can build packages without this, but you cannot do any scratch builds.
Okay, thanks for the clarification.
Further, the *.nm files seem to be somewhat tricky. A quick lookup in the wiki did not show up any noob documentation. In case the is one available (man page, etc.), how do I find it?
Have you seen this?
No, I missed it. But it answers many questions. :-)
Are there any questions you have that are not answered there?
Currently, no, but I have not started packaging yet. If anything is not clear, I will post it here.
Let's hope 3.x development takes off a bit better...
Thanks, and best regards, Peter Müller
Best, -Michael-
Microsoft DNS service terminates abnormally when it recieves a response to a DNS query that was never made. Fix Information: Run your DNS service on a different platform. -- bugtraq