I am sorry to hear this and I would like to get to the bottom of this assuming that other people have the same problem.
I checked the mail server log, and it looks like all emails to your email address have been successfully sent. It could have been that Google has bounced them - maybe that has something to do with the outage that also affected Gmail.
I cannot see anything suspicious in the logs. Maybe Peter can have a look to be sure.
The process is as follows: Discourse has its own email service which simply is horrible. We have a local Postfix instance that only accepts emails from Discourse and relays them to our main email server which only accepts connections if they present a client certificate and we only allow TLSv1.3 internally, and of course we have DANE switched on, too.
Those emails are then sent out to Gmail (in your case) from our main email relay. If Gmail was unavailable for some reason, Postfix would try again for a while. The main relay is also handling all emails coming from and going to the list.
If you like, I can set up an email inbox on our servers for you with an @ipfire.org address. But of course I would like to know first why Gmail didn’t work for you.
Best, -Michael
On 16 Dec 2020, at 13:03, Adolf Belka ahb.ipfire@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
14 hours ago I got a system message online from IPFire Community. It said that that the last few emails to my Community email address had been bounced back as undeliverable.
I checked the email address and it is still entered as the correct one that has been running for the last year with IPFire Community. I have gmail set with no filters at all. I have checked and there are no emails from IPFire Community in my gmail boxes any more after 14 hours ago.
I am still getting emails from other lists and newsletters to the same email address but since 14 hours ago I have received nothing more from IPFire Community. There have been 7 postings that I would have normally received. I have also sent test emails to the email address and they are received.
Will the community email system start trying to send emails again or is that email address now permanently blocked. If the latter, then how can I change the IPFire Community email address. There is a change button for the email address I am using but if I enter another one then the system says that I can't carry that operation out.
I am still receiving the emails from this list as I used a different gmail address for this list.
Thanks for any help that any one can give me.