Hello Erik,
Yes, I am very much interested in this.
And I have spent pretty much an hour to make sense out of all of this, and unfortunately have to report that I failed.
I have the problem that I cannot get on top of these things. You are submitting *massive* patchsets, in this case I even believe that the whole things has been submitted a second time, although I do not know if there are any changes.
I could not even find out *what* you are actually trying to do. There are more and more buttons being added and I have not the slightest idea what I am supposed to do with them. I have given my thoughts about the cipher selection and I felt that I have not been heard.
I fear that this is all way too complicated. I cannot review what I do not even understand what the desired outcome is. And failing to understand that either means that it is either way too complicated or I have not read enough anywhere about all of this.
So, could you please summarise for me what you want to achieve here?
Is this supposed to make OpenVPN more compatible, secure, or anything else?
Why do we not talk about this before things are being implemented, or did I just miss the discussion?
On 14 Dec 2020, at 14:03, ummeegge ummeegge@ipfire.org wrote:
Hi all, just wanted to ask if there is still interest in this patch series ?