Hello Michael,
a big thanks for testing and providing a lot of feedback and finding all this bugs.
I just tried to install this on my c156 test system and I have found the following issues:
The converter script was not executable:
[root@fw01 ~]# convert-ids-multiple-providers -bash: /usr/sbin/convert-ids-multiple-providers: Permission denied
But that could be easily fixed:
Thanks, I've fixed this in the 003 release.
[root@fw01 ~]# chmod a+x /usr/sbin/convert-ids-multiple-providers
But then it fails with another error; probably a typo:
[root@fw01 ~]# convert-ids-multiple-providers Can't locate /var/ipfire/ids-functions.pl1 at /usr/sbin/convert-ids- multiple-providers line 25.
Shame on me, this was during testing while developing to have the old and the changed ids-functions.pl on the same system. Accidently I've commited the file with this hack and shipped it.
Because both libs were present on my development system I didn't note about this problem.
Fixing that gives me this:
[root@fw01 ~]# convert-ids-multiple-providers Could not write to /var/ipfire/suricata/oinkmaster-emerging-modified- sids.conf. No such file or directory
Creating that file makes the converter exit without any errors:
Yea, this happened, because I didn't proper opened the file for writing in the converter script. So It has not been created and the old ruleset changes also are not written to it.
[root@fw01 ~]# touch /var/ipfire/suricata/oinkmaster-emerging- modified-sids.conf [root@fw01 ~]# convert-ids-multiple-providers [root@fw01 ~]#
But it didn’t convert anything and the file is empty.
However, the CGI loads and shows the new functionality.
Clicking the checkbox to disable a ruleset shows this:
Smartmatch is experimental at /srv/web/ipfire/cgi-bin/ids.cgi line 288. Smartmatch is experimental at /srv/web/ipfire/cgi-bin/ids.cgi line 288. Smartmatch is experimental at /srv/web/ipfire/cgi-bin/ids.cgi line 288. Could not write to /var/ipfire/suricata/suricata-used-providers.yaml. Permission denied
That file exists but is owned by root:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 10 13:42 suricata-used- providers.yaml
Strange, the ownerships of these files should be changed to the correct one, by the converter script. I'll have a look on it.
Changing permissions to nobody:nobody brings me one step further:
Could not write to /var/ipfire/suricata/oinkmaster-provider- includes.conf. Permission denied
After fixing the ownership, I can enable and disable the rule provider.
However, when I click “customise ruleset”, no rules are selected which suggests that the converter did not work correctly.
See above.
I could also add a new provider and found it confusing that no categories are enabled automatically. It could happen, that you add a couple of providers, but then there are still no rules enabled. That would be potentially dangerous. Thoughts on this?
The easiest solution would be to check if at least one ruleset provider is enabled and has at least one rulefile enabled.
This would prevent from starting suricata without any rules.
Apart from that, this seems to work solidly even with the new perl release.
On 9 Apr 2021, at 20:27, Stefan Schantl stefan.schantl@ipfire.org wrote:
Hello Development Team and list followers,
there are a lot of different vendors out there which offers different IDS rules for suricata. Some of them offers a complete set of rules and other ones some very specialized rules for different tasks.
Unfortunately it only was possible to select only one ruleset provider at the same time, so it usually wasn't an option to use one of them and keep a lot of traffic uninspected by the IDS.
Today I'm very happy to announce a testing version of a reworked Intrusion Detection System which supports the usage of multiple different providers and rulesets at the same time.
In total up to 15 different ruleset providers now can be used and mixed together to fit your personal requirements. They easily can be managed and configured via the WUI. Of course each one individually can be disabled or re-enabled at each time.
The section for customizing the entire ruleset has been moved to a subpage, which allows to enable a certain amount of ruleset files or enabling / disabling single rules inside them.
This helps to speed up the CGI if you want to mange your whitelist, manage your ruleset providers or change basic settings of your IDS.
If you liked this short introduction, please help us testing to get this cool stuff as soon as possible into the core distribution and to find bugs or other improvements.
The test versions and some screenshots can be found here:
To join testing, please download the latest tarball and place it on your IPFire test machine.
Execute the archive by using "tar -xvf ids-multiple-providers- XXX.tar.gz - C /" on your local console or via SSH remote session.
The next steps would be to regenerate the language cache by executing "update-langs-cache" and to launch "convert-ids-multiple- providers".
The converter will convert all your existing settings into the new format and also will take care about your used rules and their settings.
As usual, please report back any kind of feedback on this list and submit any found bugs to our bugtracker (https://bugs.ipfire.org).
Thanks in advance,