On 24 Aug 2020, at 19:11, Matthias Fischer matthias.fischer@ipfire.org wrote:
On 24.08.2020 16:02, Michael Tremer wrote:
Yes. I emailed it to the list, too.
Hrm. I read it, but wasn't sure where to answer.
You can directly reply to those patches :)
Is it ok for now if I stay in this thread?
Oh yes, absolutely.
I tested and found something. ...
Yes, I would propose we drop the “iptables” bit from this string. For all languages.
Changed. Headline is still ok.
- In 'graphs.pl' I changed:
... "-t $Lang::tr{'connection tracking'}", ...
To: ... "-t ".$Lang::tr{'connection tracking'}." ".$Lang::tr{'graph per'}." ".$Lang::tr{$period."-graph"}, ...
That is probably helpful and in sync with the other graphs.
I got inspired by the entropy graph and that will probably have the same problem.
Yes. Fixed. ;-)
- This triggered some commits, because in this context I found that the
graph links for 'disk access', 'hardware', and 'entropy' differed. E.g.: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=people/mfischer/ipfire-2.x.git;a=commit;h=9a3fba86...
Great. See above.
As a side effect, it seems that the cpu frequency went up => see attachment.
Interesting. That should obviously not happen when you only change the description. Are there any processes suddenly using a lot of CPU?
I'm not sure - I didn't find such process. Perhaps this is due to the newly activated conntrack plugin from 'collectd'?
I'll test this ... done.
After I commented the line 'LoadPlugin conntrack' in '/etc/collect.conf' and restarted 'collectd', the CPU frequency immediately dropped. => see attachment.
Hm!? How do we handle this?
Hmm, the plugin is actually very simple:
It opens /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_count and reads the value in it and writes it to the RRD database.
By the way: what would be the best method to merge this: *your* patch(es) and *my* changes?
Checking out my branch and committing your things on top of it I would say:
Best, Matthias <loadplugin_conntrack_commented.png>