Hello everyone.
I have a question about a package where I'm not sure how to do it.
It's about the Qemu guest agent.
I would like to create it as an addon and have been trying for a few days without success.
Whenever I want to create the package via the Ipfire build environment, there is nothing in the associated log after a successful run.
I also think that I now figured out what it could be.
The problem is that the Qemu source files are already available in the build system,
which also includes qemu-ga, since the Qemu package is created with it, which means that all the necessary files have already been created.
Since qemu-ga should not be included in the final add-on according to /config/rootfiles/packages/qemu,
it is in the build system but in the end it is not accessible to the user.
I wanted to create qemu-ga as a separate package, virtualize the Ipfire for users like me,
but currently don't know how, since the source files from the lfs are already available for Qemu.
If I use my own source files, which I would like to do because of the newer version,
those from the Qemuaddon will be overwritten by the newer ones in the build system.
I myself have the qemu-ga running on the Ipfire without any problems because I created it myself
using the ./make.sh shell and put the files in the right place in the system myself.
The only thing I can't do is use the build system so that others can benefit from it.
For example, can you use /lfs/qemu to create 2 add-ons?
Or do I have to create a separate /lfs/qemu-ga just without a build routine and then write the required files into /config/rootfiles/packages/qemu-ga myself?
It would be nice if someone had an idea how to do this.
I hope that I have expressed myself reasonably understandably.
Marcel Follert