Hi Jon,
as far as I remember:
The compilation of these C-files is controlled by 'lfs/misc-progs' (make.sh / Core 189 / line 1720) and logged in a file named something like 'log_x86_64/misc-progs'.
To put it in a nutshell: it could be sufficient if you just delete this specific log file and start 'make.sh build' again. The lack of this log file will trigger a new compilation process of 'misc-progs'.
HTH, Matthias
On 22.12.2024 02:25, jon wrote:
Is there a way to compile a C program and not run the entire ipfire `make.sh build`. And include the various ipfire `#include` items?
I am attempting to compile an `rpzctrl.c` file for the `rpz.cgi` webgui. I am in the early stages of C programming and I am making lots of errors. And so each iteration of C code takes 2-3 hours for a `make.sh build`.
I'd like to do something like:
gcc -I ./build_x86_64/usr/include rpzctrl2.c -o rpzctrl
I don't know which `include` files directory to reference so I just picked one. But running gcc throws lots of errors.
Can you get me started?
Merry Christmas all, Jon