Hi All,
On my vm testbed IPFire system I have samba and cups installed. Both running and also avahi installed due to cups dependency. It is also running.
After doing the upgrade from CU174 to CU175 Testing then the cups and avahi packages are no longer running.
Missed that the first few times I was running an update to CU175 Testing and it caused the reboot to pause saying that it could not stop avahi as it was not running. If this was caused by a bug report it or wait one minute or press any key.
In later updates to CU175 Testing I then remembered to go to the services page and turn avahi and cups back on before doing the reboot. Then no error messages.
I had a look at the update.sh script and I can't figure out why it would be stopping cups and avahi let alone failing to restart them.
Not critical, not blocking, just for information for future core updates.