I don't know if SDA or SDB is the correct device or not. It shows both during boot, but once it completely boots up after install, I can't do anything else because any command line access fails with an I/O error, so I can't cat dmesg or the messages logs after reboot.
On 11/29/2012 3:18 AM, Arne Fitzenreiter wrote:
On Wed, 28 Nov 2012 08:26:31 -0600, Jeffrey Lanham bluezone@jlpaonline.com wrote:
I tried installing under Windows Hyper-V 2008 R2. Installation seemed flawless and it found the synthetic drivers and everything, so that was good. Problem is, it installs to a 127gb sized hard drive regardless of the size of the virtual hard drive installed on the virtual machine, it seems to create this partition and shows the actual hard drive as sdb. Then the web interface becomes unresponsive and all commands entered on the command line show an I/O error. I haven't gone through the logs to try to determine what exactly is going on, but, it doesn't seem to like the result of installing on a virtual hard drive. Very odd.
Is sda you source device or a complete wrong device? Are you able to extract the output from the second console and the dmesg. Also the files in /sys/block/sda , /sys/block/sda/device and the same for the correct sdb are intresting.