On Tue, 2017-10-10 at 14:39 +0200, Stefan Schantl wrote:
Dear Mailinglist,
this is a request for merging the update to vim 8.0.
Sadly the commit is to big for sending it as a patch.
Yes, it was the right decision to do this as a pull request.
But please next time please follow these guidelines about pull requests:
I merged it this time.
The commit can be found on my personal ipfire-3.x git repository in the branch named "vim-8.0".
The commit directly can be accessed by the following link:
https://cgit.ipfire.org/people/stevee/ipfire-3.x.git/commit/?h=vim-8.0&; id=4f2ca13dfb3b95aafe8c5323acd6b6df3d303d08
Thanks in advance,
Best, -Michael