Hello *,
pursuant to update APR, I am currently trying to get my local build environment working again. After some back and forth, I failed to bring ./make.sh downloadsrc back into a functional state (which requires properly processing environment variables for HTTP proxy access), and started with a fresh clone of my IPFire 2.x Git repository again.
However, even adding /pub/git/ipfire-2.x.git as a remote origin for the upstream does not work: Trying to do so via SSH (ssh://people.ipfire.org/pub/git/ipfire-2.x.git), Git complains:
fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/pub/git/ipfire-2.x.git'
It then suggests to run "git config --global --add safe.directory /pub/git/ipfire-2.x.git", which however does not change anything - at the next attempt, the same error message is shown.
Attempts to fetch the same repository via its https://git.ipfire.org/pub/git/ipfire-2.x.git URL fail with an error 500.
Has the way for accessing /pub/git/ipfire-2.x.git changed?
Thanks, and best regards, Peter Müller