On Tue, 2012-10-16 at 07:57 +0200, Alexander Marx wrote:
As i only know ipcop, i hope you can help me here. I am thinking of developing some extracode for being able to configure vpn-Firewall rules via WUI.
I don't know how to start.
Well, let's see then. You won't need a build environment in the first place. Just set up a virtual machine and add your changes. If you got it all working, we will bother to get things into the source tree.
I just want to create a cgi, that is similar to the outgoing firewall with the exception that this configures the CUSTOMFORWARD Chain.
Go to /srv/web/ipfire/cgi-bin and copy a CGI script that is very similar to what you want to do. For example the outgoing firewall script.
Then edit it until it does what you want it to do.
The gui should create a txt file with the rules....
For example that. Create a basic configuration file and just build the CGI that edits this configuration file.
When you are done, start with the script that actually adds firewall rules.
I need to know:
- Where should i beginn to make ipfire read the rules on boot?!
The firewall is initialized in /etc/init.d/firewall.
- How do i implement the code in the checked-out git repository
CGI scripts go to html/cgi-bin/. All necessary configuration files have to be created in lfs/cfgroot. But again, first get this stuff working. We will see how to merge those files when it is time for that.