Am Freitag, den 27.11.2020, 13:40 +0100 schrieb Adolf Belka:
Hi Erik,
I tried downloading your file where the required files are already built. However I came up with a different sha256sum to the one you had in your file. I downloaded it several times and the same difference occurred each time.
That´s strange, have had such problems more often...
I will do the build from scratch.
This might be even better :-)
On 27/11/2020 08:20, ummeegge wrote:
Good morning Adolf,
Am Donnerstag, den 26.11.2020, 23:33 +0100 schrieb Adolf Belka:
Hi Erik,
I take it that I need to take the patch from your repo and apply it to my local repo and then build IPFire
you would only need to build the OpenVPN binary for those of you which can not build it by their own, in here all files can be found.
and install it, and I will then have your version. Should I use master or next as the base on which to patch it.
the files from my repo can be manually installed, please backup up all existing files, the ovpnmain.cgi state is origin/next (incl. the MTU patch from Michael but excluding the up script line for the static- routes for the client N2N). After installation you need to execute 'update-lang-cache' via console that the changes in the language files takes affect. Hit the save button also in the global section since --cipher should be renamed in --data-cipher-fallback... Please check at the beginning that all your old settings are still in place.
Thanks Adolf.
On 26/11/2020 19:47, ummeegge wrote:
Hi all, for the interested ones, have push the current state to my repo which can be found in here -->;a=commit;h=34af1d71... feel free to test and criticize it :-) .
After integration and configuration, the 'save' button in the global section should also be pushed since --cipher will replaced by -
data- channel-fallback. For the langs files, a update-lang-cache should be executed via console so the changes can take affect.
Happy testing. Best,