On 3/17/2019 12:17 PM, Jonatan Schlag wrote:
a long time has passed since the last E-Mail in this thread but as some Questions are still open, I want to try to answer some of them.
- It might be helpful to know a little more about the insides which kind
of work needs to be currently done and who is working on what. (by ummeegge)
The following will be a short overview of who is doing what now (or tries to do):
Michael Tremer: Is currently working on the new build system (https://pakfire.ipfire.org/) and the port to python3. You can see the changes here: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=network.git;a=summary
Should be: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=pakfire.git;a=summary
This is something where we can not really help. He is also working on the network: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=network.git;a=summary
Arne Fitzenreiter: Builds a new kernel and doing some stuff for WIFI : https://git.ipfire.org/?p=ipfire-3.x.git;a=search;h=refs/heads/master;s=Arne... This is also a task were can not really help
Peter Müller: He is updating some packages. This is a task which everybody can do and should do. So If you update a package in IPFire-2.x please also update this package on IPFire-3.x. This task is currently a bit hard as the build system has some bugs, but Michael is working on that.
Stefan Schantl: Also updating packages: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=ipfire-3.x.git;a=search;s=Stefan+Schantl;st=author
Jonatan Schlag: I am working in my currently very limited time on the VPN (IPSEC) https://git.ipfire.org/?p=network.git;a=summary and the network in general. Another big working Area is NITSI: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=nitsi.git;a=summary I will explain this word later. Another thing is building an image which is available under the known link.
Which work needs to be done currently:
- Updating packages (a Guide can be found here: https://wiki.ipfire.org/devel/start) - Writing tests for NITSI, so what is NITSI? NITSI is the Network Integration Test Suite for Ipfire. It is a program which can execute commands over a serial console in a virtual machine. We developed it to test the network code on a higher level, then it is possible without a running IPFire-3.x machine. So do run a test, NITSI starts several machines defined in a config file and networks also defined in a config file. Then it connects to each machine via serial console and executes network commands on it. These commands are defined in a recipe file. Example: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=network.git;a=blob;f=test/nitsi/test/zone-port-att... bridge/recipe;h=4efbd184de78f32ea42034e7cc7f19efb3e7b32a;hb=refs/heads/master)
These tests need to be written and everybody can do that. So only thing to run these tests is to install NITSI from git and run the following command in a network repository (https://git.ipfire.org/?p=network.git;a=summary):
make nitsi test/nitsi/test/zone-port-attach-bridge
This is a good starting point to play around with this new tool. A guide what tests needs to be written and how exactly you can do that will be added to the wiki (hopefully soon).
This E-Mail is incomplete in several ways (NITSI guide) but I hope you have a short overview of what needs to be done and who is working on what.
While I do not have the time right this second, I'd like to jump in and assist when other work lulls. Thank you for the update and please continue to keep them coming. It'll help those who are not part of the core team to be able to jump in and assist where/when they can. I suspect many more than have replied are watching, and eagerly awaiting 3.x.