Hi Jonatan,
On Sa, 2019-02-16 at 10:39 +0100, Jonatan Schlag wrote:
Hi list,
I want to inform you all that new images for IPFire-3.x are available.
Great thanks for your work.
See this wiki page for more information: https://wiki.ipfire.org/devel/get_image/start
I also want to use this E-Mail as a reminder that we not only have IPFire-2.x. I have worked with IPFire-3.x a lot and compared to IPFire- 2.x this version makes a lot of things better than IPFire-2.x
A lot of things are very limited in IPFire-2.x. For example, the network in IPFire-2.x does not support IPv6. It is not productive to implement IPv6 in IPFire-2.x. and that's why we build IPFire-3.x from scratch. That means unfortunately that the effort for IPFire-2.x cannot or only partly reused iPFire-3.x.
IPFire-3.x is build to support IPv6 and if we want to support this we need IPFire-3.x.
Currently, the development work is done by Michael Tremer, Arne Fitzenreiten, Peter Müller, Stefan Schantl and me. My time is very limited at this moment and the other 4 have to work also on IPFire- 2.x.
As stated time is limited and 4 persons are not enough to build IPFire- 3.x. To push the development of IPFire-3.x it would be cool If everybody would thinking about working on this next major version too.
It might be helpful to know a little more about the insides which kind of work needs to be currently done and who is working on what.
A good starting point is the IPFire-3.x step by step guide here
So thank you all for your efforts and maybe we can increase the speed of IPFire-3.x development a little bit. :-)
Thank you all to for your great work on IPFire-3.x.
Greetings Jonatan