Hello development folks,
the other day, the fluffy three-letter agency which we all love fiercely and dearly has published a security guidance on IPv6 [1]. While the PDF [2] seems to be more of a high-level overview to me, the 2010 NIST guidance mentioned in it [3] is perhaps more interesting to us, particularly with regards to networking in IPFire 3.
Just wanted to highlight that here, as I was unaware of both publications thus far.
Thanks, and best regards, Peter Müller
[1] https://www.nsa.gov/Press-Room/News-Highlights/Article/Article/3270451/nsa-p... [2] https://media.defense.gov/2023/Jan/18/2003145994/-1/-1/0/CSI_IPV6_SECURITY_G... [3] https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/legacy/sp/nistspecialpublication800-119.pd...