Hello All,
Isn't it always the way that when you ask for help with something you then manage to find out how to do it yourself.
I now can ping successfully from a machine on green on IPFire1 to a machine on green on IPFire2.
I had been using the FQDN for the local and remote machine names and these were being sent out to the internet for name resolution for some reason. The FQDN's are defined in the physical IPFire that I have . Anyway changing everything to IP's made it work for me.
On 26/05/2023 15:51, Adolf Belka wrote:
Hi Erik, All,
I am trying to set up a net2net configuration on my virtual machine testbed for evaluating bug#11048 but also for use when evaluating Testing Releases in the future, as I currently do with an OpenVPN Roadwarrior connection.
I am struggling to make things work and need some guidance.
The two IPFire virtual machines have their red interfaces on my physical green network. So the red IP's for the two IPFire machines are both private address numbers. Is that feasible to set up a N2N OpenVPN tunnel that wholly exists in a Private Address space?
When I set the N2N up the two ends show CONNECTED in Green but in the logs there is no message saying Initialization Sequence Completed.
When I try and ping I can successfully do that between the two IPFire machines consoles but not to any vm machine on the Green network of either IPFire system. That is also the case when trying ping from one of the IPFire consoles to a machine in the green network of the other IPFire network.
I suspect I need to do some sort of routing definition but I don't know how or where.
In the Roadwarrior connection there is a route section defined when you create a client connection, where you can select Green and/or Blue/Orange.
The N2N client connection is just imported into the other IPFire system and there is no mention in the wiki about defining routes.
I also created a Firewall rule on both IPFire's to connect the N2N tunnel with the Green network.
None of the above allowed any ping to get a response from one of the IPFire machines to a vm on the other IPFire's Green network.
Would appreciate any help/advice on whether what I am trying is even possible and that N2N only works over the internet with public IP's, or if I am doing something wrong with my route attempts. Let me know what further details you need to know or that I should provide.
Thanks in advance for any input.