Hello Rob,
Is it possible to list the 'Hostile Networks' from the core 167 database?
yes, you need to run this command on your IPFire machine:
$ location list-networks-by-flags --drop
Depending on your use-case, you might want to have only IPv4 or IPv6 networks displayed. This is possible via:
$ location list-networks-by-flags --family=ipv4 --drop
Similar to A[1-3], the country code XD was introduced as a workaround for IPFire's web interface, and is not directly usable in conjunction with libloc, but rather via the "list-networks-by-flags" command.
Please refer to https://man-pages.ipfire.org/libloc/location.html for libloc's full current manpage.
Thanks, and best regards, Peter Müller