Hello list,
I've uploaded the third release candidate, which hopefully would be the last one.
It fixes the issue that no traffic could be passed through the firewall when suricata was running on some machines and no graphs could be displayed anymore. Thanks to Wayne for reporting and Michael Tremer for testing and fixing.
The new tarball (i586 for 32bit-systems, and x86_64) can be found here:
To start testing download the tarball and place it on your IPFire system. Extract the tarball and launch the install (install.sh) script.
If you already have installed a previous test version or image, with the same steps as noted above you can update the the new version.
As always, if you prefer a fresh installation, the latest image can be grabbed from here:
Direct link for downloading the ISO image:
Thanks for downloading and testing. There are no known bugs so far, as usual please file any bugs to our bugtracker ( https://bugzilla.ipfire.org) and share your feedback on the list.
Best regards,