Why do you have more than one client-connnect/disconnect script in your configuration?
On 5 Oct 2020, at 16:59, ummeegge ummeegge@ipfire.org wrote:
Hi all, am currently in testing scenario with the new OpenVPN-2.5_rc2 and a additional --client-connect/--client-disconnect script. Since the release of OpenVPN metrics -->
https://git.ipfire.org/?p=ipfire-2.x.git;a=commit;h=708f2b7368cc8fbd54a06ca6... the new OpenVPN version lined out that only one script will be executed.
openvpnserver[15373]: Multiple --client-connect scripts defined. The previously configured script is overridden. openvpnserver[15373]: Multiple --client-disconnect scripts defined. The previously configured script is overridden.
so a question arises (beneath a lot´s others which are here OT), should we make it possible to execute more then one --(dis)connect script ? If so, are there may some ideas for this ?