Forgot to add that I built it on my Arch Linux system with the following commands:-
/configure CFLAGS='-g -O0' --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=/usr/lib (This was recommended to be used after autogen was run)
sudo make install
On 12/02/2021 13:30, Adolf Belka (ipfire-dev) wrote:
Hi all,
I tried to also test this out on my system.
As I am not familiar with what all the command options do I just followed Daniels commands.
server: IPFire 2.25 - Core Update 153; Intel Celeron CPU J1900 @ 1.99GHz x4; I211 Gigabit Network Connection
client: Arch Linux; Intel Core i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz 6 core; 1GBit nic
Server: fireperf -s -P 10000 -p 63000:630010
Client: fireperf -c <IP address> -P 1 -x -p 63000:63010 where <IP address> was replaced with the IP address of my IPFire Green connection.
I started the server fireperf and there was the table updating regularly.
I started the client and got "Could not open socket: Address family not supported by protocol" scrolling up the screen.
I looked in the log (journalctl) but there were no messages at all related to fireperf just the command being run.
Any thoughts on what I am missing to have setup or installed?
On 09/02/2021 13:53, wrote:
Hi guys,
today I installed fireperf on my testing IPFire and my Ubuntu PC.
server: IPFire Core 154; Intel i7 4790; Intel 82571EB/GB 1GBit Nic Client: Ubuntu 20.4; Intel i7 9700; Intel i219-V 1GBit Nic
Michael and I agreed that one more port should be opened per 5000 expected connection per second (cps)
So here my results:
Server: fireperf -s -P 10000 -p 63000:630010
Client: fireperf -c <IP address> -P 1 -x -p 63000:63010 -> ~5000 cps
fireperf -c <IP address> -P 10 -x -p 63000:63010 -> ~30000-35000 cps
fireperf -c <IP address> -P 100 -x -p 63000:63010 -> ~35000-40000 cps
fireperf -c <IP address> -P 1000 -x -p 63000:63010 -> ~40000-45000 cps
fireperf -c <IP address> -P 10000 -x -p 63000:63010 -> ~46000-48000 cps
The cpu utilization was limited to one core and increased in sync with the cps on both sides.
In my last test, the utilization was about 85-100% on the server and 75-95% on the client.
In the next days I will test our mini and post the results here.