Other package managers (Debian for one, but there are others I can't think of right now), have Yes set as the default EXCEPT when bringing in packages which require updates to other packages, ie if package A has a dependency on package B in the new version, but not the previous, then you must explicitly tell it to install package A.
However, if package A has a pre-existing dependency on package B, then both A and B are defaulted to being updated.
However, my two cents are for minor things like this, forget it and work on on IPFire 3. We can live with annoyances in 2 if it ends up with more time being spent on 3.
On 12/22/2015 04:51 PM, Michael Tremer wrote:
On Tue, 2015-12-22 at 23:45 +0100, Larsen wrote:
On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 23:36:35 +0100, Michael Tremer michael.tremer@ipfire.org wrote:
I am afraid that I must disappoint you on some of these points. pakfire in IPFire 2 is legacy code and I do not have the time to add new features. It is just maintained as it is and bugs are fixed.
We have a rewrite of this in IPFire 3 already.
So, there will be more verbose output?
Yes some. It will look like this:
AT the beginning of the log there is just a quick overview about the package being built. Then follows a transaction summary of pakfire which lists which packages will be installed/update/removed and after that a progress bar what step of the transaction is currently taking place.
Then there is a build of the bash package which is part of the build system and not pakfire as a package manager.
Basically pakfire installs a temporary chroot environment with all the build dependencies, compiled the package and finally destroys the whole build environment again.
PAKFIRE UPGR: We are going to install all packages listed above. PAKFIRE INFO: Is this okay? [y/N]
--> Shouldn't the default be Yes?
Cause you would normally want to install the new packages? And maybe IPFire relies on the new versions? (I don't know how this is supposed to work)
You are not asked if you want to install the core update. That will always happen. This is just for the add-on packages. Of course you would want to install them indeed.
I basically thought that "n" is the safe option here and this is usually the default. How do other package managers do this? I would like this to be equal for better user experience. Once you are used to these things... you know?
- -- Rod Rodolico Daily Data, Inc. POB 140465 Dallas TX 75214-0465 214.827.2170 http://www.dailydata.net