hmm, so there could be some naming ideas:
- file store (which describe it exactly) - update cache (not really, cause it is not limited on updates) - cache accelerator (not really, cause it doesn't really speed up on first time, as Michael mentioned) - file speedster
Any other ideas?
2013/3/5 Michael Tremer
On Tue, 2013-03-05 at 13:50 +0100, Jörn-Ingo Weigert wrote:
@Devel: You are also welcome to share some ideas for upcoming version of update-accelerator
Here is an idea from me: I would like to rename "Update Accelerator", because:
- It is hard to spell and a lot of people mispronounce it.
- It is a very long word. That's not only inconvenient to type but also bloats navigation bars and so on.
- It really does not make clear what the software does, because it does not accelerate the download of an update (at least not in the first place), so it would be better to use the word "cache" here.
- If we enhance the functionality it won't be limited to "updates", so that won't fit anymore either.
- We don't want to confuse it with the piece of software that is an add-on for IPCop.
I could even find more reasons, but I couldn't find a name which is better so far.
Hello Fajar,
I would like to say hello and get in contact with you.
Michael from told me that you may have some requirements or ideas for an improved update accelerator, cause we plan to extend the current version (at this point it look like a complete rewrite o_O)
So how is your current situation? It would be great if you can give some details of your current system, your users, for what you use the update accelerator, the kind of files you currently store and the space it currently used.
What could be improved or changed in an upcoming version? What is disturbing you at moment?
To share the ideas & requirements I've added a Wiki-Page on, where Ideas & current problems could be shared URL:
Please move this to the "new" development area over here:
The pages in /en/development are pretty outdated or wrong. We also wanted to move the development stuff away from the part of the wiki that is translated, because development documentation is not worth the translation because of the limited amount of people who are reading it.
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